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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. Peon is that your jizzface in the 2nd pic?
  2. Griffon

    Dark Times

    Quick lets all go and code ZS and meke it shit while pufu is away
  3. We need 3 simple classes Mele class Range class Support Class Who can specialise in 3 futher tiers each with there own tree. (inb4 someone says borderlands rip) Mele Tank, Ninja(agile/blades),Beserker(strong/blunt weapons) Range Marksman(snipers),Soldier(assault/lmg),Priest?(Magnums/shotguns) Support Engineer(turret),Medic(healing),support(props/cading) each tier will have their advantages/dissadvantages, you can get point in every tree (but you wont be effective) I could maybe make an example tree for each if your interested. Thoughts/Feedback
  4. You just suck at aiming i got 2 hit kill and headstaggered in one shot And can you look at this G36c with red dot No youre not getting your crappy scope, it should have ironsights if anything.
  5. this or just give them a acuracy penalty
  6. Welcome to the dark side of the force. LOL jk were the light side, mozilla is non profit ftw.
  7. Wont be to hard then are you going to tweak floating world maps fall damage/jump pads so we dont get crippled 24/7? EDIT: typo in the weapon description of m1014 description "ato shotgun" ALSO: Any chance we can get a winchester style shotgun for a 5 killstreak?
  8. In order Info overload, Tl;dr? Server that hosts everything except minecraft was ddosed, but the attack has died down , waiting for all clear to put the server back up
  9. Can you make a map like the end of metro2033? And then get clavus to use it in ragnarok.
  10. I dont own a guitar like i said, but when i have to teach(or should i say supervise) my cousin i`ll give it a go.
  11. I self taught myself some things off my 9 year old cousins guitar + lesson notes. I can also play the intro of Smoke on the water but hey who cant right?(excluding people with no hands or disabilities). I can do a few tunes, but chords are where my fingers are like WTF!? Basic piano too but nothing technical or fancy.
  12. This is my ign ~ĢǺђŹĽў~Griffon my account name is exauroura just give us the password now... its pancak3s xD Shame fenrir is ddosed right now or id be playing right now ohh well time to watch anime
  13. This is my ign ~ĢǺђŹĽў~Griffon my account name is exauroura
  14. Well to be fair i do agree with clavus with the fact that he needs to see the bigger picture, but certain weapons need to be adressed. Why dont you address each weapon tree individually , i.e assault riffle tree if you compare them within a tree you can easilly see galil needs a nerf and the ak needs a buff. After youve balanced it by family tree then you can balance between the trees i.e smg tree and assault rifle tree.
  15. shotguns need a buff beacause at pointblank you will be outdone by every other smg out there
  16. Reduce damage/ explosion effects on the hud Reduce the amount of weapons that can be on the floor at 1 time beacause it can get really laggy at 15 players +
  17. Suggestions Add css style voice menu, kockback may cause person to fly / float reduce ghosts when theres less than 6 players or something few spelling errors (cs_parkouse has one in the description) Fix spawns on cs_assault (i think)the so you dont spawn directly infront one behind an enemy at the start of the round
  18. Besides a few balance issues, spelling errors and the need for alot of people, its a really good game mode .
  19. Oh great yet another thing im late at.... oh well didnt hurt to sign either way, i d like to play dodgeball.
  20. Well i personally am not a huge TF2 player but apparently their newest update to help protect their content may majorly cripple Tf2 mods which use player attachments. I dont know if you have heard of this yet but consider checking this petition out if you care about TF2 Petition
  21. +1 Rep cuz not only did you make a new gamemode, you made it in like what; 3-4 weeks?

  23. From what i can see you were votemuted muted i.e most of the ppl on the server wanted you to stfu why would he be banned forusing this feature its there so players can mute annoying people. Dakota`s use of crude insults is hardly a reason to ban as there is no contects of racism or whom he is even talking to. Also you calling tennis a punk does not help your case...
  24. Firefox,chatzila,popup blocker addons,personas,ease of use and it has everything where it should be. Thats the reason why firefox is the internet browser master race for the Pc masterace. Highly Customized firefox
  25. A box within a box Boxception!(heresy!) otherwise get a bigger box so we can get bore bass!
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