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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Griffon

  1. Bloody hell!

    pufu you made a map with nice atmosphere. It really feels like a zs map .

    It looks like it will have good gameplay (i hope)

    one of your most promising zs maps ever i think!

    /waits for other zs mapers to come hate :)

  2. 13th, 10th in america so friday just for you to know

    Most reviews have been rather "meh" about this game

    i find it an indication that this game is good

    as we all know cod got good reviews.....

    Not all reviews are from IGN

    yes but most are reviewers who like being spoon fed hyper realistic super awesome SO REALISTIC blood when shot goes dark on screen combat

    aka every cod,battlefield,gears of war,MOH clone

    not the brilliant fps games like

    tf2,Quake wars: ET, rainbow six

    you know games that require TEAM PLAY!?

  3. Most reviews have been rather "meh" about this game

    i find it an indication that this game is good

    as we all know cod got good reviews.....

  4. The head shot was an accident, right?

    Well, I think it was not nesessary killing him as much as others do, but to think - they asked a few questions; tormented him; and killed him. He would die in prison anyway. To have less "problems" he could just get killed faster.

    But still. He was a person. Killing him was an inhuman thing to do.

    shame al-quieda didnt have the same outlook on life as you

  5. Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 (only just 2.66)


    grr so close i may just be able to run it with my 8600GTS

    im so annoyed ive been waiting for this for ages i hape i can run it

    otherwise i may need to invest in a new card

  6. lvl 6 engis get turrets so don't complain griffon

    lol i am not a level 6 engi i was simply making a point that even a level 6 engi (and i dont know anyone who is btw) can only just survive zombines for 16 minutes with the luckiest spawn(which is super unlikely) of pulse smg,magnum,turret,mines,cade kit

    [quote name='Mr. Darkness' date='18 April 2011 - 17:18' timestamp='1303147478' post='72013'

    Guys, its a gameplay where you work in a team. You don't need to fucking run alone. In this gameplay you try to survive.

    Lol, but really. Why some players whine on the server that the game is unfair because of them not winning. (Not talking anyone of you guys, I'm talking about some other whiners)

    how can i stay together when with 16 min left theres me and 1 other person alive and we both only have magums?

    thats the point im trying to make, the server is retardedly unfair when theres less than 15 ppl on it

  7. seriously with 8 players online and 2 alive they get zombines at 16 min wtf?

    seriously time restrict them to like last 8 min atleast

    That's what I suggested a month ago.

    unlocking zombies is based on infliction. But if the infliction does not go up, then the time of the round will unlock zombies. If there are 20 players, 6 of them are camping a long hallway and are destroying the normal zombies, of course you would want poisons and zombines instead. Cause it would not be very fair.

    yet that makes no sense that 2 players with pistols-smg must hold out against up to 6 other players that have armour,run and explode on death for 16 fkin minutes.

    why is it based on infliction when the ppl who have to survive havent even had a chance to unlock anything remotely good?

    How is that "FAIR" pufu?

    I had a usp and just unlocked a magnum when zombines started spawning

    I think zombines>magnum

    Sure it should be based on infliction but there should be a minimum time past first i.e about the 8-10 min mark

    Even lvl 6 engi would only spawn with a pulseSMG at best and only and even then zombines>pulseSMG

    Maybe a very good engi might just have unlocked a PulseRIFLE after 8 min into the round if there were about 15 players.

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