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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Griffon

  1. Headcrab healer? lolwut? :D

    Remove ethernals Teleport ability and Make it healing, (some Green smoke around it, to make it look good)

    That my good sir, would be a crappy decision.

    And why not? Headcrabs have low HP and headcrabs wont heal other headcrabs. So its important to kill one of these freakbags. Real epic move, man. could make the headcrab class somewhat... interesting. And quite good as support when sieging a barricade. Which sucks at this moment.

    Headcrabs are meant to be played like sneaky foot raping ninjas

    making them healer would be bad, shooting a headcrab is hard and if they could heal as well it would be OP.

    Healing is not the point of a zombie, its meant to be a horde if one dies anotherone takes its place thats how zombies work, healing breaks that. Healing from gibs is okay maybe poison zombies vomit could heal zombies sort of like a transfere of health. It would make it so that you have to calculate your needs VS teamates needs (necro does like moar teamwork..)

    Howlers need to be more rewarding as your not rewarded for suporting the team. If a howler buffs a teamate who then kills someone she should get the assist.

    Perhaps you could give her a basic claw ability too. Even the jokey in l4d has that..

  2. oh, about meatshowers, i used to need 1600 headshots to get to lvl 2 as commando, and i did 6-20 headshots about every round. Now i need 2000 Dismemberments to get to lvl 2. And i get 1-4 meatshowers every day. (i play like 10 rounds everyday.)





    *grenade kills usually

    *im not certain on grenade kills

    there are many more ways now to earn your points now

    necro did a good job

    Now necro fix lvl 3 commando plz

  3. This shows up at the end of a round:

    Timer Error: [garrysmod\gamemodes\zombiesurvival\gamemode\server\sv_endround.lua:754] attempt to concatenate upvalue 'NextMap' (a nil value)

    And the greencoin system does not work in the open-source version.

    Or I'm just an idiot? :P Bit of a noob, but any input would be great.

    thats cuz your not connected to the green coin database (and i asume the leveling database too?), so you tecnically have none.....

    as for the next map error i dont know...

  4. Can we get the mele damage on poison heacrabs reduced please necro?

    It is basically an instakill on legs and cant really be justified even if it is hard to kill someone with it.

    Other than that zombies are underpowered in my opinion humans are suviving more than 50% of all maps. If your going for a 50/50 win chance zombies need a buff

  5. ^That, I'm pretty sure thats a walkable route.

    Nope, you have to use the engineers cade kit to get up there, then you can just break it after.

    It's like being born you have to use some skills to get out and you pretty much destroy the way you came, happends all the time bro! :yeah:

    Admins say if a normal zombie can't get there then it is an exploit (atleast when you destroy the plank to get there) Anyway hopefully they learned their lesson anyway.

    then the roof of lighthouse is exploiting, the spot on clav_choas and others, yet even the admins use it.

    Bunch of hypocrites....

  6. Let me see 90% of industrial is 'exploitable' by Zs standards by cade kits using props etc. I dont see why half of these are so bad ( with the exeption of cade boosting) as long as they stay within the intended confinement of the map.

    Like getting to the old roof spot (same map) you dont even need to use anything but jumping to get there yet you still call it 'exploiting' when clearly its not. This gamemodes definition of 'exploiting' is incorrect, if the map has a spot which is unbalanced remove it, dont label it as exploiting. Your labeling about 50% of the maps as exploits incorrectly.

    Trainstation as example, getting up onto the roof is not exploit again pure jumping skill. Its not even that overpowered a spot, simply make a zombie spawn or two on the roof problem solved.

    Alot of these maps wouldnt be so bad with some common sense zombie spawns to prevent imbalaced gameplay.

    But industial as posted is simply too imbalanced, dont hate the player, its common sense to search for the safest most elusive spot.

  7. If marksman gets headshots , why the fuck does commando also require headshots.....


    + Marksman is gonna be gay as it will require headshot kills not hits, just like comando

    unless youve written new headshot reg code. GG

  8. -snip-

    they have to do less damage. They just suck the health out of humans so fast. I commonly find myself losing 50+ health to one fast zombie that is spamming. And their hitboxes makes them so hard to hit and kill that they MUST be nerfed.

    Seriously.. One noob spamming fast zombie killing two full health humans...

    If you loose 50+ health to 1 fastie your doing it wrong.

    A single magnum hs kills them, their hitboxes arent as bad as you say they are and they are only a threat when your out in the open..... they may need a rage animation every 8-10 hits but THATS IT.

    Ethereals teleport on the other hand needs a longer cooldown, i was teleporting and blocking reiska in every doorway he atempted to use .....

    They either need longer cooldown or a larger health cost for teleport (10hp min, this would mean they sacrafice survivability for speed.

  9. Server should be 18 min human join not 15 min ....

    A lot of people have low internet .....

    1 min startup + 2min of gametime = 17 min timer

    From a mapchange if it takes more that 3 min to join a server should you really be on gmod?

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