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Posts posted by Chikennugget1

  1. 3 minutes ago, loogiah said:

    by the way, I'm willing to use my youtube channel to provide exposure to the server (doing it completely on my own, for free, dw) if that's okay for the admins of this project I will gladly do it :) I got around 2.5k subs since I'm known in another community of another game. If any of the admins wanna add me to talk about it add me on steam (https://steamcommunity.com/id/theactualloogiah)    and I'll give you my info, so that I don't spam it here ^^

    another "shower thought": I'd really like if the mode was still fast paced and frenetic like those videos in another thread showcasing old ZS gameplay.


    No problem with showcasing gameplay during the demos or when the game is released. More visibility is a good thing ;)


    Also the videos on the other thread are actual videos from the demos, so yeah the gameplay is and will remain fast-paced and such :D


  2. Time for a quick update, today 09-03-2021 :


    DONE :

    - Achievements / achievement system : all the original ones are there + added a shitton of new ones that are earned in different ways (killing, finishing maps, doing specific actions etc). There are around 200 achievements now, and maybe a bunch of new ones could be added later :gmod:

    - Reward unlocking system : getting an achievement can unlock a title and/or player icon

    - Titles implementation

    - Player icons (in progress, I've got the help of Mansen for the design part)

    - Added a few other skins / toys in the shop


    Next TODOs :

    - Add the icon designs

    - Polish the existing upgrades / add a few new upgrades

    - Work on a challenge system (to be defined yet)

  3. Update as of today 09/02/2021 :


    Done :

    - "My Hats" menu is now done, you can equip the hats that you've bought / unequip them

    - Reworked the zombie classes menu so that you can now choose a skin for the next time you respawn

    - Skins and hat choices are saved between games (same will happen for titles and icons)


    Next TODOs :

    - Titles

    - Icons probably later

    - Achievements implementation + other upgrades to implement


    My Hats menu :



    Reworked Zombie classes menu :



    Example skin for zombie (note : third person view is only for showcasing the skins, won't be an ingame feature !) :



    Example skin for fast zombie :






  4. I have downloaded Gmod 9 (the free version before the paid one, aka Gmod 10, launched) around 2006/2007 and fiddled a lot with the sandbox/ragdoll thingies too. After a while I tried a few gamemodes, but Gmod 10 was launched in the mean time and most servers moved on to this version.

    There were only a few servers remaining, including a ZS one (Noxious I think). I played on it and had lots of fun, but I was also young (13-ish) and my parents once caught me playing that game on zs_barrelfactory and there was blood everywhere. That was enough for them to be angry and force me removing the game 😅


    Somewhere in 2009 I decided to buy Gmod (v11 back then) and thought about that old ZS mod, picked one of the european servers and stumbled on Mr Green. Had fun, stood there for a good while (before leaving for a few years and being back again when classic ZS would be a thing 😁).

  5. Update as of today 21-01-2021 :


    DONE :

    - Buy button works, you can buy upgrades, hats and zombie skins (and other items when I add them)

    - Upgrades are in progress but some of them are implemented and working (last man standing, lady luck, comeback, quick cure ...) I'll check the others one at a time after that.

    - Hats are implemented, but you can't equip them for now (only bots can). This will be done with the MyZS menu.

    - Zombie skins are WIP but I have done a quick test with one of them (screenshot below), it seems to work so I'll see with the other models, and add an option to equip/unequip skins.


    TODO :

    - MyZS / Inventory where you can select your hats, titles and other thingies

    - Rework the zombie classes menu so you can choose a skin for your class for the next respawn

    - Design the achievements / challenges system


    Screenshots :

    Hats (note that the headcrab model probably won't look like that, it's a replacement model in my Gmod, but I can eventually add it with the classic headcrab)


    Hats menu


    Sample zombie skin



  6. Just a little update, I haven't had much time to work on ZS but here are some screenshots of the progress so far :

    When you press F1, the Outpost menu opens (names will probably change, also icons aren't finished yet that's why there are copy/pastas :V )


    Buttons on the left will open wiki pages that I will create later on (an in-game web browser will pop showing those pages).

    My ZS will be the place where you can see your achievements, your upgrades, equip your hats and such.

    Challenges isn't clearly defined yet but I'd like to have things like "Kill X zombies with weapon Y" and award achievements or something. I'll get back to you later on this.


    Greenshop is almost done for upgrades and hats, the data you see here is pulled from the backend, I just need to plug the buy button to the backend service.




    And yeah you see a Zombie Skins panel and Misc panel. For the former, I will have to do some tests with the new skins and see if they work. If they do I'll keep this tab. Misc will be for buying player icons but I havent' worked on that part yet, so it's still prone to be changed to something else.



    So basically the next TODOS are :

    - Plugging the buy button and make sure the green shop works fine

    - Implement the actual upgrades (they're here but they don't do anything yet)

    - See if zombie skins can be added

    - Do the other windows (achievements etc)



  7. Update time, a lot of things have been changed/fixed throughout the two demo weekends so I'll just put what has been done since then :

    DONE :

    - Added Crossbow weapon

    - Fixed the BHOP fix which caused zombies to bounce when falling from high above

    - Added a FOV slider in the options

    - Fixed the looping weapon pickup notifications / reworked the notifications in general

    - Small HUD tabs indicating the F keys for the different menus


    TODO :

    - F1 menu

    - Fix the headcrab lags / broken jumps

    - Add Greenshop / upgrades / unlockable stuff and such


  8. 1 hour ago, Mr. Darkness said:

    Don't think that blood splatters are needed, they will 100% reduce the performance and that's just a bit too much for Source engine. The grayscale filter can be disabled in the f4 menu.

    In any case, I'd like to leave my own feedback too. If you give me the source code, I'd do some tests on my local machine and then show you the results. And no, no Howlers, howlers were a terrible decision to begin with.


    • - the game needs a fresh feeling and needs something to keep it more entertaining for zombies and for humans at start. Humans will be too bored when there's just too many of them shooting at zombies and no one dying (I noticed players leaving because of that), and likewise for zombies when someone just stays AFK. Don't think that introducing auto-kick is necessary however.
    • - perhaps the kill-reward system needs a re-enhancement. Some players start shooting only after a set of bullets has already been shot at the undead, and thus they get higher chances of killing. I'd suggest making it damage-based instead. The player that deals most damage gets the kill.
    • - maps. I'd suggest introducing objective maps and zombie escape maps from the most modern ZS. They are probably the only fun thing about modern ZS because you don't just stand in a room and shoot the entire duration of a match, you complete missions instead. I have a map that I had created a long time ago and I think I just might rework it for the current ZS. For that I'd need you to create an entity that shows hints for both human and zombie players separately. Also create an entity for zombie gasses so players can't just stand there. An FGD is also needed for use in Hammer Editor.

    For point 3, I'm not planning to have objective maps in a first time. Let's keep things simple to begin with, then we could think about adding some fun gamemode variants / objective maps.


    For point 1 & 2 I will see what I can do to make the early game more dynamic. I'm brainstorming a "weapon mastery" system where you'd need to do X kills / damages to get achievements / GC, but I can imagine something where your weapon is weak at start and you need to increase your weapon mastery by damaging/killing zombies to have better damages/precision and such.

    Nothing clearly defined yet but it's in early work.

  9. 2 hours ago, JohnHammond said:

    Firstly, very nice to see this gamemode come back, it was and probably still is my favourite game and the sole reason i bought garrysmod to begin with. I pirated the game on PacSteam before buying it, and if I'm not mistaking, Mr Green had the only no-steam server so it was probably the first server I ever played.

    Anywho, heres my feedback after trying the demo on sunday:

    - Zombies should be able to spawn anywhere as long as out of sight of humans, if anyone remember killas zombie survival in the past, they had it and it made being zombie easier when less people were playing. It also prevents spawn camping. 

    - The colours or whatever filter is on to lack contrast or something, it seemed a bit grayish if that makes sence.

    - Set bloodspatter on max if possible, in the old versions i remember there to be tons of blood everywhere when people died.

    Hey, thanks !!

    For your first point, I also remember this system being used on Stoned Potatoes ZS, but I don't think it's really needed. 

    Before adding the assist system, zombies were always winning so I'd rather not add more advantages for them until it's becoming a necessity.I don't exclude the idea of adding dynamic spawning, but for now this isn't on the table.

    For the filters, you can disable them totally or partially with the F4 menu, though I reckon that there should be tooltips or icons telling where the option menu is, I will work on this in the future.


    I'm not sure how it looks like with vanilla blood splatters, but having blood addons may help (check my videos in the other threads, they have the custom blood decals addons). If you mean the bloody gibs, I can add a bit more gibs but it may have an impact on performance so I won't add too much gibs in a first time.





  10. 38 minutes ago, Mr. Darkness said:

    I would like to contribute to the existing code by refreshing the feel of the game. Perhaps attempt on improving some mechanics while maintaining the arcade style gameplay.

    Any help is welcome, but keep in mind that I will design the direction the game will take (which means if I say no Howler, there will be no Howler :V )

    Don't want to sound like a dictator or such, but nobody cared or tried to revive ZS 2009 for a decade. It took me some time to restore the game, and what has been playable so far was just the base.

    I have projects for it in the future ;)

  11. 53 minutes ago, Damien said:

    Playing this version of ZS made me realize how empty it was compared to the classes version that deluvas had created. I still hold my opinion i have had for a long time. The version deluvas made was and still is the best iteration of zombie survival that was created to me. It has a very good balance overall and gives people with different playstyles a concrete choice. I cannot see myself playing the very old version, but I would once in a while drop into the version with the human classes and cading. 

    This is not to discredit the work that has been gone into it though, it is amazing that you managed to get it working as if things had never changed (with only a few changes needed to match this version of ZS).

    It's a matter of tastes. Some people would prefer the old-school vanilla gameplay while others may prefer the one with classes.

    Deluvas did indeed a good job with that one, but I've always wanted to play the version pre-Deluvas again, so I made it and I perfectly understand that it may not appeal to everyone. It's a niche game after all.

  12. Hi everyone ! :mr-green:


    Just a reminder that the server will open on time, aka tomorrow at 19:00:00 GMT


    The server name is Mr Green Zombie Survival Redeemed Edition.

    If you can't find it in the server list, open the console in Gmod and type : connect

    No password needed.


    Also, a few things to do before joining :

    Make sure you have Counter Strike Source installed, else you'll have missing textures and models.

    It is also highly recommended to have Half Life 2 Episode 1 & 2 installed as some maps use content from these games.


    Finally, make sure to clear your garrysmod/download folder, especially the garrysmod/download/sounds/mrgreen folder

    For those who attended last weekend's private demo, this folder should be cleared because it contains broken audio files.

    They are fixed now but you will need to download the new ones.

    Make sure to also delete the modelsounds.cache file in the /garrysmod folder as it can contain remnants of the broken audio.


    See you tomorrow !

  13. 1 hour ago, SOUR said:

    Here is my map, feel free to test it out! First map that i have ported over from css to Gmod so i have no idea if its working, but it should since Gmod and css runs on the same engine and uses the same props! Feedback is always welcome.

    zs_countrylake.bsp 6.73 MB · 0 downloads

    I will try it asap along with some other new maps ! I will add these to the demo but eventually they'll be probably in a separate mapcycle for the final release ;)

  14. 23 minutes ago, Yushe said:

    So I played on the demo today and these are the bugs I discovered:

    • I spawned in once and had no hud, couldn't type in chat and was the gray freeman model, fixed when I typed retry in console.
    • Knife attack speed might be the reason its animation doesn't play when attacking a player or surface.
    • You should use SWEP.HoldType = "knife"
    • Maybe move the pistols to slot 2? Also I'm not sure why you spawn with 2
    • Hitting a zombie with a melee while they are jumping sends them flying, not sure if intended or not

    Thanks ! I took note.

    For the multiple pistols, this was probably because of the deathspawn bug that killed players standing on spawning points while another player pops in. Appearing there made you pickup their weapons dropped on the floor. The spawn bug is fixed so you should have your usual weapons now.

  15. Alright, time for an update :


    DONE :

    - Poison Zombie

    - Poison Headcrab

    - All zombie animations are fixed and now work properly

    - Score window (tab key)


    TODO :

    - Adjust weapon animations

    - Make some sexy zombie icons to replace the current ones

    - Minor bugs


    Also, public demo date here ! https://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/23755-zombie-survival-redeemed-edition-public-demo-201120-221120/


    On 11/7/2020 at 3:38 AM, Yushe said:

    It's really cool to see Mr.Green's ZS finally return, when I saw it go offline I knew it was an end of an era since it was the last classic zs server that was still running.

    Even though the version that it was running last made zombies too powerful in my opinion I still played it and had fun.


    Also I'm working on my own version of classic zs that I plan to host, maybe this could revitalize the zs gamemode because its not in a good shape in my opinion with people using bots as zombies because players find it too boring to play zombie now.

    Anyway I will post two videos of my version that I put on my twitter, please follow me on twitter if you want to see more since its where I'm currently posting the development.



    My twitter account is @yusheec I would've linked it here but this is one of those horrible modern forum post forms that doesn't really give me the option to just post a link without it doing stupid shit.

    That's nice, do you plan to host it on your own server or here ?

  16. Hi fellow survivors ! :mr-green:

    I'm happy to announce that a public demo weekend for Zombie Survival : Redeemed Demo is planned for the following dates :

    Friday, November 20th at 19:00:00 GMT time to Sunday, November 22nd 23:59:59

    In the mean time, a private test demo is planned this week to make a few adjustments / optimizations.


    Server IP is  :

    Please note that the following content won't be part of the demo :

    - Greenshop

    - Achievements

    - Unlockable content

    - General Menu (aka F1 / help menu, thought there might be a placeholder menu for the demo)


    If you join the game during the demo weekend, you will be able to earn Greencoins that will be added to your account when the final mod will be released !

    Participants will also get an exclusive in-game title that will be awarded on release  !

    Make sure to join the Mr Green Gaming Discord to have fun with us during that weekend !


    More details will be added in this topic in the next days !


    See you during the zombie apocalypse ! :gmod:

    Here is a little clip taken during this weekend's private demo (first link doesnt work, watch the other one) :


  17. As promised, a small video to show some features (including propkills because Psycho loves em :V ).

    It's still work in progress but it will pretty much look like that at the end ;)


    As of today, 04/11/2020 :

    - Wraith is done and functional

    - Fast zombie is done (attack animation needs a little tweak but otherwise it's functional)

    - Chem zombie is done, except 3rd person animation which is glitchy

    - Score screen with real data is now finished


    TODO :

    - Poison Zombie

    - Poison Headcrab

    - Fix the headcrab animations (again :frog: )

    - Fix chem zombie animations

    - Fix some Weapon animations glitch


    Aaaaaaand after that we'll be good to have a public demo. Hopefully we can make it in around 2 weeks if everything goes well !

    I'll get some help for the animations because this is a big deal !

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