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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. I've contacted Valve for my internship in april, but I think they'll reject it :(

  2. I've contacted Valve for my internship in april, but I think they'll reject it :(

  3. Tiger GBC (probably the best free Gameboy emulator), I had hours of fun replaying Pokemon Gold on my HTC. Unfortunately the app got removed (with a lot of other emulators) from the Market so you'll have to go on sites such as filecrop to download tiger gbc.apk , and don't forget ROM Gripper that allows you to download roms for the emulator. Else, Guns'n'Glory (nice little tower defense with a western theme), Mazeoid(free Pac man clone that got removed from the market too, but available on filecrop and stuff like that). I also have Pac Man Championship but I haven't really got it the usual way, if you see what I mean...
  4. Thank you
  5. Thank you again ^^.
  6. Thanks thanks thanks
  7. Thanks guys Yeah I became less active because I were in vacations (longer than planned), and I'm not always there to see interesting topics where I could say something (I've only seen minecraft/zs/some other game's topic).Also, there are many new guys there that I haven't talked with And now I came back to college, that'll be harder to find a moment to come, unfortunately Don't be worried though, I'm sometimes coming here, to watch new topics & stuff. @Péon : LE MEILLEUR PAYSANT
  8. My To-buy list : -Rage (september) -Gears of War 3 (september) -Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary (november) -Halo 4 (winter 2012) -Guild Wars 2 (??? 2012) -Counter Strike : Global Offensive -Starcraft II : Heart of the Swarm -Super smash bros something on Wii or WiiU or DSi or whatever.
  9. I'm coming back from the cinema, and I watched the Planet of the Apes : Origins. Great movie, it's really well done and entertaining, I recommend it
  10. Vacations pass too fast.It's like I've never been in vacations.

    1. xeim


      So True..

    2. Sacrevy


      what?! Last week already? Goddanmnit, why did you posted this? I almost forgot :/

  11. For us it's not violent, but kids shouldn't be allowed to play games of that type. It's not only about the violence, it's also that 99% of kids that play online are pissing off players (because they say shit with their mic or act childish... ). If I were that kid my parents would just scream and shut my pc down (oh well, it almost happened to me when I played ZS for the first time and I was 13 !). I don't know, at this age I'd be playing Pokémon or Mario huh.
  12. My eyes.They burn. Anyway, parents that let their 9 year old kids playing violent games should reconsider themselves.Unless they want to create skatezoc 2.0 ?

    1. xeim



    2. Sacrevy


      MY ***** WHAS FIRSYYYY AND DRANK THE SEAA... Glok glok glok

  14. One SURE thing is that I'll prepreprepreorder GW 2 in its collector/ultimate/heroic/god edition because I really enjoyed the 3 first games and I'm sometimes still playing the game (during events mostly). Just to compare, how long have you been playing it ? Me, 6 years (my 1st character has celebrated his 6th birday, I've yet to open my present). And for your guild, I'd be interested, but...I'm already taken, I have some old friends that were in the same guild with me but then it died, but we said eachother we'll join again in GW2 (and I'm in another guild since 2007, and they'll probably say something like that too). If each character can be in a separated guild I'll make a greenie though EDIT : I'm a Ranger, and I'll be a human Ranger in GW2.
  15. NC Soft, please, give us a release date for GW2 D:

  16. Got mah driving license, muahahaha !

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. terminator


      what car are you gonna buy?

    3. Chikennugget1


      Thanks guys, and @Iulian : Fiat Uno, @terminator:Dunno, probably something like Renault Clio for the beginning.

    4. Iulian


      Fiat Uno is not that bad.

  17. Nope, I haven't received any system update (I'm still on 2.2 since 2.3 hasn't and won't be released for Desires ). Today I've downloaded Android Assistant to check all my phone's informations (CPU % used, memory blabla...) but it seemed ok, and when I tried to turn my phone off it crashed just before it was done, and it rebooted so I've taken off the battery again.
  18. That looks promising, very promising Will there be different classes for both humans/aliens ? And if I can suggest some weapons : -Turrets (the ones that you can manually control when you're behind them). -Alien laser that works like the Spartan laser from Halo ( 3 seconds lock then it shoots). -Vehicles ? Also, for the fun, what about a gamemode with a scenario where the aliens are creating zombies in their factories, and humans have to destroy these factories to win ? (this would make zombie NPCs another threat for the humans ).
  19. Tl,dr , it's useful though.As I own a 'droid I take advantage of this topic to axe you a question, my HTC Desire sometimes crashes for no reason, sometimes because a game is a little bit too strong for it (then it overheats), sometimes randomly when I go on the market or browse my photos, and sometimes when I'm turning it off (it writes the usual message but instead of shutting off it reboots). When it crashes it reboots, blocks on the HTC screen, sometimes vibrates 5-6 times and that's all. I'm obliged to take off the battery to turn it off. I've removed some apps, checked all the process tasks, moved my games on my sd card but it still crashes at times Do I have to "restore" the system or call HTC/Orange ? I like my phone, I never had any problems with it, only for a month or so :/ Thanks in advance. Some games : Tiger GBC (free and very good gbc emulator). Angry Birds (free, take that i-thing owners). Alchemist (you create elements by mixing basic ones).
  20. Donjon de Naheulbeuk > all.

    1. Ni pah
    2. Hundred2


      French Fries.

      Pommes Frites.

  21. Donjon de Naheulbeuk > all.

  22. I won't post 1 best game... but 2 ! (just to troll). 1-Halo Combat Evolved (Xbox) 2- FPS 3-Reasons: The best episode of the series, with an awesome campaign ! The remake will come out on november. 1-Metal Gear Solid (psx) 2-Infiltration/action 3-It's old but it's one of the best games of this type.The story is great, the bosses are all different, it's an excellent game. It's downloadable from the PSstore( €9 I think)
  23. I stay a week longer there 'cause I'll repass my driving test.

    1. terminator



  24. The fact that the street was slightly dark is probably the reason I got a wind.

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