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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Weo

  1. whats the question ? i would fuck pussy. which one would you rather chop off both arms or your dick?
  2. have you heard that saying ''if you see 1 dream multiple times, it comes true'' then i'm in trouble because this is my classic dream (haven't seen it for years now... huh) my family goes into 1 farm house and after we look little bit around i see that haystack starts moving... i go say it to my parents but they don't listen. i go back and haystack starts chasing me and my brother... i run to my parents and they see it too.everything in the house starts moving! everyone runs to the door and i fall down and i see door closing and then i wake up... holy fuck what just happened i think when i wake up. i have seen that dream for like 4 times now. this was shortened version...
  3. why flashlight only for zerk? i sometimes accidently drop pistol... i got only meelee and no flashlight -> death
  4. i just wish to get my levels back -.-
  5. 2 lvl medic and 2 lvl engineer alredy sended ywa my steam id.
  6. when will minecraft open again?
  7. coke... ps3 or xbox 360?
  8. i have that same proplem. ywa can you help?
  9. cold if its just quick dip which one blind or deaf.
  10. leg. drown yourself or set your self to fire. (difrent suicide strategies )
  11. ok guys help me sended message to deluvas -> no response
  12. thats pretty much the same place i see if i look outside... nice map coming here! keep working. put ship there
  13. no anti vent camps... and that crossbow better be dam good
  14. well how can i explain this... i joined last night to the server to find out that my levels are all level 0 (i had level 2 medic and lvl 2 engineer) i joined again today and its still the same. halp!
  15. Left4green.com minecraft server RP jobs: miner - mines stuff. farmer - farms sugar and barley. shop keeper - sells and buys resources. hunter/ranger - hunts for meat,leather and wool. forester - cuts trees and plants sapling. blacksmith - makes weapons and sells them. soldier - active soldier 2 types -> archer (haves longbow and light armors) and footman (haves heavy armors and sword) ranger - keeps the section clear from enemies and unwanted stuff. builder - builds/repairs stuff. founder - creates new villages (admins or respected) sounds good? changing the job should be quick and easy. but not so easy that you can do all of them.
  16. perhaps in next server start could it be like Role Playing?
  17. Reason is a mental faculty (or ability) found in humans, that is able to generate conclusions from assumptions or premises. In other words, it is amongst other things the means by which rational beings propose specific reasons, or explanations of cause and effect. In contrast to reason as an abstract noun, a reason is a consideration which explains or justifies. Reason is particularly associated with human nature, that which is unique and definitive about being human. As a way of coming to conclusions, it is often contrasted not only with the ways in which non-human animals appear to make decisions, but also with decisions based upon authority, intuition, emotion, mysticism, superstition, and faith. Reason is thought by rationalists to be more reliable in discovering what is true or what is best. The precise way in which reason differs from emotion, faith, and tradition is controversial, because all three are considered to be both potentially rational, and potentially in conflict with reason. and based on this fact damien should be chosen to do this important mission during the gameplay in the mr green zombie survival server and hopefully this chosen person will silence those underage mic fags and stop the bad game exprerience... in other terms : Damien would be good admin.
  18. hmm perhaps advanced users could get these difrent kind of weapons... perhaps and upgrade? or level? there could be difrent weapons made by difrent kind of people like another competion for weapon... made with weapon construction kit ofc... i shall talk to necro
  19. my opinion Medic 5 kills pistol 15 kills hl2 smg or mp5 30 kills m4a1 50 kills Saw 75 kills shotgun that would be cool
  20. well perhaps other classes also could use difrent weapons system... i happen to know that you use berzerg so you only invent for them... good idea thought. idk about supply crate thingies
  21. there is enought weapons... + the new users would be thinking -> oh fuck i need to download something
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