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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Weo

  1. you should have bought it when it was in alpha... i think it will be in steam after 1-2 years... if it someday comes... 15 euros aren't much
  2. wait when will this come out? i want to see this!
  3. i would say TheGreenGrasshopper or dusty is going to win
  4. 800 headshot kills... thats not hard. try medic lvl 2... heal 500 injured people (injured less than 35 hp) try to find people with that amount of hp is imbossible... its either more than that or dead.
  5. dude... you are fuckin awesome... your signatures are surely one of the best i have EVER seen. i wish i had skills like that :/
  6. i would play zs much more but i only play there when lower than 25 players... i don't the lag lag lag and soo much humans
  7. ill say unwhitelist all and make whitelist thread... reasons why you should be whitelisted or something. all users must have left4green.com account
  8. time to reawake this thread james way... idk who he is noob vs minge
  9. Weo

    Scary games

    Doom 3... not really scary... all you do is shoot your way trought. if you want to crap your pants... dead space (i have only played 1)
  10. water textures for what game? gmod?
  11. great job everyone... Congratulations KingRuff.
  12. awesome video is that mod or smthing? how did you make?
  13. when will you repair my levels... this is my second week i have been waiting... i alredy sended you my levels and here they come again level 2 engineer level 2 medic... how long does it take to repair? edit: sended my steam id to you deluvas... i have sended it to ywa alredy so i remember that i sended it to you
  14. deaf... i like to see stuff would you rather spend you entire life having awesome job but low cash (not so low on cash that you would need to live in slums) or shitty job with alot of cash (not millionare or that stuff)
  15. never seen him before? in that dream you felt like that or what? cause human brain cannot generate persons. btw you have shitload of text... i only read the first one xD
  16. first i would murder all the assholes i know... then i would do like every man would do... go watch some women get naked.
  17. poo... would you rather be in yourself or then be in apocalupse world with slow/little sprinting zombies doing stuff with endless suply of food and other survivors (also women).
  18. Donuts... thought i like cookies too. would you rather play on Nes... mario or zelda
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