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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Weo

  1. finaly the survival comes back!
  2. when human dies his corpse should turn to zombie -> he spawns once to his death place right after he died
  3. heres my suggestions for new upgrades to buy in store: medic: medical pro (recharge 10 % faster) 2000-5000 GC commando: blackpowder grenade (20 % more damage to grenades) 3000-4000 GC handfull of grenades (1 or few extra grenades to trow) 2000-3000 GC (depending on the amount of extra grenades) berserk: pufu got this section under control ( thought it looks like op upgrades) engineer: minefielding the area(same stuff like handfull of grenades) Prepared for pulse(5-10 % more likely to get pulse rifle) 3000-4000 GC support: ammunition man(same like medical pro) construction worker (more nails 1-more) 1500-3500 GC Ps i'm unfamiliar with commando class.
  4. i quess you are zerg... perhaps you should try other classes few times to learn what they need and not just good stuff to zerg... i think zerg is alredy enought good. it can face up entire zombie armada in door hole. (i think upgrades are good but those make it OP) gonna post some suggestions to suggestions thread
  5. umm mysterious stranger is chance to give you the gun not increase damage
  6. Gladstone Ganders luck would make anvil drop down to fethrys head... supermegadeathcrist vs giantroboticdonkeykongjesus riding a cloud of smoke
  7. 2 reasons why this fails. 1. You cant just disable the damage of a zombie class. 2. You cant give "Negative" side effects to upgrades you can't sell. That would be unhandy. That's the downside of this upgrade, if you disable the damages for a class and give nothing bad in return then you just won the game. So it needs something that balances it a bit. Ok, let's say, Howlers do reduced damage (50%), because they are actually too strong. okay remove that howler and pick up a new zombie who can shoot guttling hooks +1, no wait, +459 ! I'm Hundred2 and this is my favorite idea on the forums. delete howler and let it be... its useless howler are not used and its just fuckin annoying.
  8. hyper spray should not drain hp since its just 10 hp... you will loose it anyway at first hit.
  9. Weo


    yee you got mc! awesome!
  10. well i just have been shot down, dragged and raped in this topic... please close it xD
  11. CSS has this War3mod that is pretty much leveling and advancing to next place... idk how much players there is in the surf maps but if you change it to war3mod i would be really happy since there is only shitty war3 servers that have only few races and bad settings. so if you wish to change the mod. you should give war3 time to shine + i could help you make it awesome
  12. dam right! also could you do something about howler shielding thingy... i saw howler doing this weird imba thingy where it howled and howled howled and it was all the time shielded... why do howlers have shields anyway.
  13. when does this update get to server?
  14. there is even my horrible troll face xD
  15. ok then... hello xD

  16. i don't see you becoming admin...
  17. Ywa you must try again! you must release your anger and come to the dark side... FEEL THE POWER!
  18. hold on... you said it will be at 20 : 00... but in what time? forum time? in here its 14:02. in forum its difrent
  19. i tested this bug and it is there.
  20. so you were exploiting error.
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