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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. 10 years I've waited, and I miss it by a day. God damn.
  2. Dusty

    Day Z

    JackFrags and FrankieonPCin1080p both have some really good DayZ videos.
  3. Dusty

    Day Z

    Me and a few friends were dicking about on top of one of the tall chimneys in Elektro, (Or Cherno, can't remember what) Saw 2 people looting medical tents, one with bandit skin, so opened fire on them. The bandit took an AK bullet through the back of his head, whilst I only clipped the other guy, who ran off pissing blood. We went back down to the medical tents later on, then when trying to find our friend (who somehow lost us,) we saw another guy, who we presumed was our friend. This mistake resulting in my other friend getting riddled with bullets, thankfully I managed to chase the attacker away with a spray from my AK. After finding one friend and patching the other up, we got into another firefight with some more people. We was all severely low on ammo, so my friend flanked one of them, ending their life with a well placed frag grenade. Unfortunately, after throwing the frag, he lasted about 10 seconds after that before being shot dead by another enemy. The other guy in my squad also tried taking them on, whilst I hung back having nothing but a clip of Makarov. He got killed, and I emptied my remaining clip in the direction of his killer, who ran off. I retreated in the opposite direction out of the city to regroup and resupply, unfortunately, during this I heard a 'pop' and my character ceased to exist. The end.
  4. Dusty

    Day Z

    Only come across the one, pretty good going if you ask me.
  5. Dusty

    Day Z

    Bought the game today. Spent the first 5 minutes wandering about, before I came across a tractor, which I then decided to drive about for a bit. Unfortunately after a while, a hacker killed everyone in the server by spawning us all at a rather high height. Another server, another 10 minutes, I stop very briefly to change my video settings. Boom, I'm a corpse. Currently wandering around trying to find things, though I haven't come across a single bit of loot. (Not even trash loot, which is a bit of a pain.)
  6. Not really, I already had one screen and the others cost me 40 euro each. Ofcource I needed a radeon graphics card for eyefinity which I got 2 days ago. Got a 6870 for 110 euro. HARD EARNED MONIES.
  7. First action game would be Halo: Combat Evolved, I think. Not sure if I'd class previous games I'd played as action though.
  8. I do not miss the 600+ hours I put into ZS one bit. Time well spent.
  9. It's seemed bigger in England this year as opposed to last year. It's basically an excuse for students to dress up and go out in town, and for people to boast on Facebook about what they're supposedly going to do to the trick-or-treaters.
  10. To be fair, I type with perfect grammar the majority of the time, so we might as well just call this a day and say I've won.
  11. Gonna buy an Xbox with my birthday money in a couple of weeks, so I'll probably pick this up. Looking forward to playing it.
  12. Sober.
  13. Seem to have missed this, but happy birthday for yesterday.
  14. Aye, listened to them two before Cookie. Both awesome songs.
  15. If we're on the topic of good dubstep songs, this is probably my favourite;
  16. Dusty


  17. Dusty


  18. Someone else played it, I did guitar and singing, whilst there was a second guitar and a bass as well.
  19. I love Bon Iver, so so much. Sure, I don't personally like it at all, I mess up the lyrics in the first verse, and I sound proper nasally for the first half of the song.
  20. I learnt the basics of keyboard/piano, and I did guitar for a while, though it was pretty much only because I had to for my music GCSE, so I never really carried it on. I've been told I'm a fairly decent singer, but I've never done anything with it. I'd quite like to though. I'm sure I've posted myself doing a cover of Hero Of War by Rise Against in the past on here. Favourite genre would be either acoustic, folk, or post-hardcore. I've got a fairly mixed music taste, to be honest.
  21. You accidentally used speedhack. Wot.
  22. I had the chance to play it last weekend, but didn't. Haters gonna hate.
  23. Dusty


    You call this HD!? NHL 09 Watch in full size... That's 480p, not 720p HD.
  24. Dusty


    Erm, I pressed record, then 14 minutes later I pressed stop record. They're massive files, but if you render them through some editing software, they shrink it a fair bit.
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