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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. I agree Zombine's health should be lowered, even if you do manage to kill the ones that run right up to you, their grenade finishes you off.
  2. Because that only does a voice mute, not chat mute as well. !silence is golden. I was under the impression gag stopped them from typing, whilst mute stopped them from using the mic?
  3. I'm quite disturbed by the fact you chose to do a video about suicide.
  4. Can't be bothered looking for dual-monitor friendly wallpapers now.
  5. Happy birthday Mayco. The one person in this community that has more than an ounce of logic
  6. I like to go outside occasionally.
  7. Dusty

    The golden list

    Hurr hurr, tea and crumpets, om nom.
  8. BRIT POWERRRRRRRRRRR! Congratulations also
  9. Quite a lot of people have dual monitors, it's not that unusual
  10. I get all my GCSE results in August. I did some GCSE's last year though. Science: C English Literature: C.
  11. The first post spoilt it.
  12. Not to sound too harsh, but it seems to me that you're trying too hard. You're only going on IRC because it's a requirement for admins, not for the reasons everyone else does, and making sure everyone knows why you're there.
  13. Belgium* So it is. I shouldn't have pissed about for two years of Geography lessons.
  14. I got this from The Netherlands Belgium, strangely enough.
  15. I think this is a case of timezones again. I barely see you play nowadays, Sickpl. Yet I try and go on ZS for at least an hour or so a day.
  16. Good luck.
  17. Thanks guy's. I'll try them both now.
  18. www.left4green.com www.facebook.com www.formspring.me/mattwilcock www.twitter.com www.youtube.com www.gamefaqs.com (Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64 board) www.mattwilcock.blogspot.com (Funnily enough, my blog) www.runescape.com www.googlemail.com www.hotmail.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk/revision (For when I had my exams) This was all just in the drop down menu of my Firefox.
  19. the fuck is this shit?
  20. It should be 20...
  21. The thing is though, I managed to play for a good hour or so without any issues today. I've come back to death connection though.
  22. I've been playing without any issues until now.
  23. I've now noticed I don't even need to join the server to be fucked over internet wise.
  24. I've tried suggestions and Google so I'm finally just gonna make a topic here and hopefully save myself some time. All of a sudden, in the past two days, everytime I join a server I'm getting extreme amounts of lag and my ping is going to 500+. This is obviously causing me to freeze every two seconds, which as you may know, makes playing (especially Surf) extremely difficult, nigh unplayable. Whenever I join a server, (single player is fine) - My internet literally dies, rendering me unable to use it for the next 5-10 minutes. I was just wondering how would I go about fixing this issue, as I'm unable to play CS:S at the moment due to it. It doesn't do it with any other games, and it's only just started happening in the past two days. Note, I don't believe it's anything to do with the update, as I've played fine with it up until now. (I've just played on my own for a while and there's not been a single bit of lag, I joined the Surf server and my ping jumped straight to 500) Thanks in advance.
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