Wrong place to post this. Make a separate topic after reading this. Edit: Shows how much I pay attention, you've read that it seems. Just make a separate topic.
You're supposed to post another song as well. Seem as you haven't I'll rate Ni Pah's and post my own. 3/10 - Just plain irritating. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJcZaS0JthA Alexisonfire - Boiled Frogs (Skip to 0:50 for the song if you don't want to watch the opening)
Nokia 6300 (Stole Burn's image) Alright phone, the speaker's loud and it has a memory card slot. I'm due a new one soon though, it keeps crashing on me and generally being a pain.
As far as I'm aware, beserker's being removed soon anyway. So there's no point in changing it further. The lowered hp gain also stops people camping on ladders with a crowbar as well. A trick I've no doubt you know too well.
They can't move props? Unless you're trying to move them with the 'suicide sickness', you'll find you can hit them quite hard. As for the zombie spawning, I think it's brilliant. Zombie's don't always win, they're pretty balanced. I've also not had to slay a single person for spawn camping since.
Sorry, where's your perfect application? More on topic, the age may be an issue, not so sure about the grammar, spelling etc, as dyslexia can't be helped. Good luck, anyway