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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. I hate it when my internet dies and makes me reboot my computer.
  2. 7/10 It's really overplayed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuDKXQj9frE
  3. Love it.
  4. Dusty


    Would it be ok? Would it be ok, if I took your breath away? Anyways, a fellow Britfag here welcoming you to the forums.
  5. To put it bluntly, Sneed's saying stop trying to brag because you can't compete against the old regulars, who are the true pros.
  6. I'm from Preston, UK. I have a ping of roughly 30-35, and I never have any problems with pings, as long as I'm not downloading anything at the same time. I don't actually know anyone that still uses dial up, and haven't done for years.
  7. I like the idea of a nailgun.
  8. 7/10 - Love RE.
  9. I'd love for you to become admin. Only issue is the lack of space on the 'admin team' unfortunately.
  10. Do it!
  11. Good stuff indeed. You can see them getting gradually better.
  12. Dusty

    i'm back

    You didn't go to America skiing by any chance did you..?
  13. By them I meant me and her. >.< I suppose her would have been a better word choice.
  14. I know it's easier said than done, but this is a great tip. I've been the happiest I've been in months since I got my girlfriend, even doing just simple things such as sitting in at night and watching a film with them her.
  15. Nah, I'm expecting it to be terrible. I can barely stay an hour with my family, nevermind 4 days.
  16. Nothing is wrong with giving them a slap on the leg to punish them. Beating them to within an inch of their life however, is.
  17. Suppose I best say whilst this is up, that I'm going to be on holiday for the next 4 days, only to Northumberland (England) which is nothing special, but I'll be seeing the castle Harry Potter was filmed in though I'm praying there's a wireless I can hijack whilst I'm there, I doubt it though.
  18. He's active on both the forums and IRC, he's friendly, mature and is applying for a game in need of admins. A near perfect candidate if you ask me.
  19. There we go then. It's not an easter egg. It's still a damn good song though.
  20. You may or may not have heard this before, but this is for those that haven't. This is also only for those who use the Windows as an OS, which I presume most do. Go into "My Computer" into the C: drive. Click in the 'WINDOWS' folder, then in 'Media' and select the midi sequence, onestop. I don't know why this is included, I presume it's just a hidden easter egg. It's a pretty good little tune though. Enjoy!
  21. The insomnia you're describing sounds similar to something I suffered from when I was around 13. My regular sleeping pattern was stupid, going from around 1.30am till 6am. I was tired all day, and my grades in school dropped dramatically. Whilst you seem to be suffering from a more extreme case, I found (as most people have suggested) listening to music quietly in the background whilst you try to sleep. Also try doing something simple such as changing the direction you sleep in, with your head where you feet usually are. As for the panic attacks, I still do suffer from them where if I get nervous, even for irrational reasons that my mind knows are pathetic, my whole body physically shakes and I have next to no control over it for periods of up to 10 minutes. The only advice I can give on this is to consult a doctor, which I've yet to do.
  22. Personally, I think you should get the pulse before the SAW. It's much easier to get kills with the SAW than the pulse. The points difference between getting the two weapons is much too short as well. I usually only have the SAW for a minute or so before getting the pulse.
  23. Can we stop blaming video games? Games like Modern Warfare are based on things like this, not the other way around.
  24. can't think what to put here

  25. You're ignoring the fact they enjoy killing.
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