Drive along in a car, get attacked by a burning state trooper zombie, crash my car. Get found by a police officer, get shot at by a wannabe gangster and his pregnant Russian girlfriend, along with an average American TV Salesman. We would then proceed to travel to the nearest shopping mall, find the bottom floor or "Metropolitan" has several zombies. After killing these undead creatures, we would take the lift up to the second floor, to be greeting by the Mall's security team, that seem to dislike us and lock us in a home furnishing store. After escaping from their by tricking one of the security guards by telling them the toilet in the store is fake, we then proceed to lock the majority of the security team away, and relax for a while. After some relaxation, we'd find a truck load of people are driving to the Mall. After much shooting of zombies, we rescue them and allow them inside. After more relaxation and panicking of what to do, some bright spark has the idea of reinforcing a few shuttle buses that are in the Mall's underground parking lot, driving them through the zombie filled streets, then jumping onto a boat and sailing to a remote island, free of zombies. After many days of reinforcing the buses, we set off. Plowing through the streets, stopping only to pick up the local gun store owner, Andy, on the way past. Unfortunately he was bitten trying to escape, and becomes one of the undead. Furthermore on the travel to the docks, one of the shuttle buses flips on it's side, with a gay organ player accidentally chainsawing a hot blonde to death. Zombie's quickly break in and eat the flesh of the remaining survivors of that particular bus. The remaining bus, with great difficulty, gets to the docks and escapes on the boat. After many days of sailing (and having fun with a video camera they found on board) - We arrive on a remote island, which we believe to be free of zombies. HOWEVER! We are wrong, this island in fact has loads of zombies, and we're eaten.