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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. There's no point in a chat filter, people should be able to say what they want, obscene or not. Not to mention the fact that it's beyond easy to bypass filters.
  2. Dusty

    Dots App

    I reguarly play on and moderate the Fretta server. Though, I admit I haven't been online much, due to Christmas and what not. I'm sure the other GMod admins do as well. You also apply for the whole of the GMod servers, not just Fretta. Good luck anyway
  3. Fair enough, I dare say yours has gone slightly offtopic though. Moderators, the choice is your whether to keep this or not.
  4. I always enjoy playing Stelk's maps. I look forward to playing this.
  5. I'm not sure if this is a global thing or what, but here people can list their New Years Resolution. For those that are thinking, "Wut teh hell is a resolution?" It's something you plan to do (or stop doing) this year. Personally mine is to get a job, get through school and try and find somewhere to live close to my friends. Now list yours
  6. Seen you ingame several times, nice enough guy. One issue I can see is your attitude toward forums. As it says in the "Read This Before Applying" - Admins must be active on both the forums and IRC. Just checking twice a week isn't great.
  7. I'll have to try turning sound recording off, Fraps usually lags a lot for me.
  8. This. I detest class limits. If a team has too many of one class, they're easily beaten if your team counteracts that setup. I wouldn't get your hopes up.
  9. Can we stop the forum grave diggery please.
  10. Pure epicness.
  11. I don't really like the Tycoon games, played it once and never really got into it.
  12. I didn't mean just you <3 Anyway, the best you luck with this application.
  13. Why are people criticising his English? All of you understand him, don't you? There are current admins with worse English than him.
  14. I take it that's why you've been sucking up to him recently.
  15. Oh good, an old familiar face.
  16. I love my subtle, "Gonna watch a DVD. Na-night xxx"
  17. Dare I detect sarcasm? I'm sure it'd be nice for it to be optional. I'm talking about the "round left" timer. However this only appeared when there was only two or three players, it's probably nothing big. I'm talking about the weapons list at the top, rather than the L4D style weapon list at the side. Good to hear. I don't mean to sound rude, I know you've put a ton of work into this. I'm just telling you bugs and giving constructive criticism.
  18. Might be a tad young. Also, add a lot more detail, that's a very short application. Look at previous apps that have been accepted for the right idea.
  19. Sorry, but I really don't like this update. But I'll just give some constructive criticism. The whole game goes blurry when you look down iron sights, this is just really really awkward. I've seen a few incidents of the timer being bugged. Please bring back the old weapon slot system, or at least make an option between the two. If that's not going to happen, make the weapons actually correspond to each number please? At the moment the gun is like, 2, the snowballs are like 4 and they're all mixed up. Next weapon just skips past certain things as well. Admins have no spray detector, which is a necessity. We don't get the choice of which weapon we want? The supply crate just gives you a different pistol/smg etc, whilst you may just want either ammo or health. Fast zombie and poison zombies might as well be unlocked from the beginning with the rate they're unlocked. Prop killing isn't skillful anymore, and those that hit it off the ground have to compensate for the weaker prop. Zombies can pick up nailed props. I'll update this if I find anything else.
  20. Dusty

    1 to a 1000

    Seeming as BlueYoshi decided to skip 5 numbers..
  21. Top Crew go through and accept/decline them all every so often. It's not been forgotten, and won't be.
  22. This server DOES have enough administration. Who are you? I've never seen you ingame.
  23. Around 9 VIP tickets for indoor paintballing. T-shirt, jumper, jeans etc. A chain bracelet. 320 gig external HDD A load of sweets and chocolate Bathroom utilities. Modern Warfare 2 About £50 cash. A 'graphic novel' of V for Vendetta. A case and screen protector for my iPod Touch. A bucket of Gaymers cider I've not yet gone to my mum's house and got presents from there yet though. I'll update later.
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