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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Does he go by a different forum name? I don't recognise that guy as an admin.
  2. Dusty


    Depends on the parents, I was banned from my computer (desktop) for a month for staying out all night on New Years Eve. I just used my laptop though and they didn't mind. What a shit reason True. It's a bit more compliated than that though.
  3. Dusty


    Depends on the parents, I was banned from my computer (desktop) for a month for staying out all night on New Years Eve. I just used my laptop though and they didn't mind.
  4. Nostalgia'd from Halo 2 multiplayer.
  5. City and Colour - Save Your Scissors.
  6. Dusty

    R.I.P. Clavus

    Sorry, man. RIP Clavus the lizard.
  7. *img* Thank you.
  8. Can I get a copy of that desktop please, Mayco? Yeah, that's right.
  9. Some of them sound a loud like the special infected in L4D2. I like the idea of a fire zombie though.
  10. Dusty

    My App.

    IW only have two active admins. Sacrifical and Toaster. The rest is on the server once in a while. We already have a lot of admins, Sacrifical and Toaster aren't the only two active admins.
  11. Dusty

    My App.

    Your age is going to be a big issue here. 13 is very young.
  12. Wrong.
  13. Never heard of the clan before the competition thread, I doubt that it's hated by all here highly.
  14. He's been a regular player for quite a while. Unfortunately the GMod servers are rather full of admins at the moment. Good luck anyways.
  15. Dusty

    MrGreen IRC bot

    Where are you on IRC? We miss you. My desktop's got 'issues' - and this laptop is too slow to run anything. I'll be back on as soon as possible <3
  16. Dusty

    MrGreen IRC bot

    I love anything to do with IRC (:
  17. Dusty


    The majority of people that complain about campers are people who get angry at games far too easily. AFK kicker is good. +1
  18. You could have picked a better topic. Bush vs Bin Laden? That's a recipe for arguements. Also, Bublin. Treat people how you want to be treated.
  19. Very nice application indeed. The best of luck to you.
  20. Try a year, give or take a few months I would actually love you forever if you did that.
  21. No, no, no and more no. What the hell is happening to this game..?
  22. I like the concept, I don't see it being practical though.
  23. Being crushed between Hundred's thighs? I feel my dreams are coming true.
  24. I agree surf_icarus should be removed, it's not surfing. It's just falling.
  25. Dusty

    Zombies HELP!

    They download automatically when you join the server...?
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