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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. I'll make you one next time (: We can only hope he doesn't grace us with his presence anytime soon.
  2. I like to think of the wall as a canvas and my fists the paint :3
  3. They disappear after a certain amount of time, literally 2-3 seconds after I took the screenshot, the 'Moon' part disappeared.
  4. Nope, still trying to eat me, I had to keep turning around every time I did a line
  5. Now then, we've all heard of skatezoc I take? Him, and his catch phrase, "Moon penis!" I decided while I was waiting for smgs to spawn on zs_uglyfort. That I would draw a picture for him, to remind us all of the 'fun' times we've had with him and his phrases. TADA! It took me a whole 7 minutes
  6. Hmm, I'm going to have to go with maybe, I didn't like it at first, it's changed to a completely different game. Though with some of the updates that are going to occur, I'm beginning to like it. I particularly like the dropping weapon function, and the lack of people complaining about ksing
  7. Now we're talking, these are the kind of updates we're looking for.
  8. Dusty


    Yeah, it's due to the recent update by Mr.Gary. The server cache is yet to be updated and will be done as soon as one of the Top Crew have a chance. You can get in alternately by creating your own multiplayer, then joining from there. It'll crash your gmod soon enough though.
  9. JFK was killed by an alien! Seriously though, I believe that somewhere in some galaxy light years away you may find some form of small organism , but its intelligence level will be near non-existent. Certainly none with superior nor equal intelligence. However, I'm willing to accept they exist if solid facts are produced. Also, for the whole government conspiracy theory, everyone has secrets, just some are better at hiding them than others.
  10. Dusty

    Admin Application

    The real crew? Kniight is an admin for surf, and I presume (having never played surf myself ) that he's very active and if he's not seen you, it doesn't help your chances. Also, because you played on the MTA:SA server probably doesn't help your chances of the surf server, 'cause they're completely different Good luck anyway.
  11. What've I done?
  12. Have fun! I couldn't afford the tickets this year XD
  13. Dusty

    R.I.P Bean

    I'm thankful you've not left the community, that would just be too much. I'm gonna miss my failed attempts at dodging your props (they really do follow you!) I hope you enjoy killing people in TF2 and much as we enjoyed being killed by you in ZS. I won't say goodbye, as I hope to run into you another time, simply, see you soon.
  14. Dusty

    Admin Application

    Aside the fact that it's posting in the wrong sub-forum. Tell us more about yourself, such as why you want to be admin and why you think you'll be good. Just fill in more detail and things.
  15. Damn. I hope he gets better soon. Dusty loves you Cowchucker!
  16. Just a little bug with the auto-shotgun when it auto-reloads. Nothing major. It goes sideways
  17. Dusty

    Robo is Done!

    There's only one word I can sum this all up in. Fuck. Now you BoB? You're the only English person left as far as I know! (except me )
  18. Dusty

    Robo is Done!

    Oh what the hell? Sneed you better stay on the forums, I can't handle two great players leaving in the space of a weekend.
  19. Dusty

    Robo is Done!

    I've two things to say. I'm gonna miss you. and... BRIT ALERT!!!!
  20. Why have you created two topics in quick succession for admin applications for two different servers? That show's you're just desperate to become an admin on at least one of the servers.
  21. Acer Aspire. 19" Monitor nVida GeForce 9300 320gig HDD. Other shit I can't remember. Oh, and fear the monkey... and the mess. Got a little IRC script that tells me stuff, thought I might as well paste it as well. os: Microsoft
  22. Thought you was talking to Sickpl. Fair enough though
  23. Just told you ingame, but perhaps powerups could be implemented again? I miss shell and regeneration
  24. Thanks. That downloaded as quick as a bitch, took less than 30 minutes.
  25. Hmm, I have no idea why I said the 8th. I get back on Saturday
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