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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. I don't tend to play tf2, but you seem like a nice guy. Good luck
  2. Tell us more about yourself, such as your age and nationality, for all we know you could be either 8 or 35 years old, and all I can tell is that English isn't your first language. It adds to the whole community spirit-thing, and will increase your chances
  3. Dusty

    ZSP clan

    The site seems to be down, such a shame... *cough* I'm glad I disassociated myself with them.
  4. Loosely? I'm sure he just means Cow's arse is slightly slack and loose after Robo finished with him.
  5. I would be lying if I said I'm disappointed that this has been canceled. I would have liked to play the beta, but family and holidays come first. So... Meh. Now to look forward to the new game mode
  6. Personally, I think this is a very bad idea. I've read your post about the 'director' dropping better weapons near to more skilled players, but how does it calculate the skill of a player? Also, what's to stop a less skilled player from following you (which often happens) and picking up your weapon? Sorry to be so negative, I just don't see the need to make such a drastic change to an already fine system. If this change does happen, which by the looks of things is very probable, please place it on a seperate server.
  7. I think SneedBeard is a great name as it is If you must shorten it, at least change it to Sneed. Beard just sounds, strange.
  8. Will ventilation be put back up once changes to the room that no-one actually knew about are done? I'm gonna miss lifescience, it was a personal favouite, and I didn't believe it was massively unbalanced. Ah well
  9. Oh, how ironic. I think 'retarded' is the word you're looking for. Like most people think, a tad too young.
  10. We posted on both forums, and there were Steam group event announcements (one should even have popped up at the time the event started). You are in the Mr. Green Steam group right?... Yeah, but I was out for the day, and only found out about it that evening, I was thinking a few days notice
  11. Dusty

    Green Earth

    I'm still waiting on Dustilvania : V
  12. Dissapointed I missed it. Perhaps give a bit longer notice next time one is held please?
  13. Nico, on the last picture it says, "Fuck for sake. " Shouldn't it be " For fuck sake"?
  14. Far from a major problem, just thought I would mention it. On the Steam community page, the section where it gives the server address, it says iw.lef4green.com:27016 (Garry's Mod, Infected Wars, 32 slots) It should be iw.left4green.com:27016 (Garry's Mod, Infected Wars, 32 slots)
  15. thats debateable Shhh, I just like the hairstyles
  16. I thought I recognized your name I go by the name RoadOfDarkness on the SM64 GameFAQ board =D Anyway, my introduction. 1. Real name and age? Matt Wilcock, and I'm 15 years old. 2. Where do live? Preston, Lancashire, England. 3. Previous experince with communities and boards? I've been a moderator on a few boards in the past, most of which have shut down now though 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) Unemployed 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? High School, studying for my GCSE's. P.E, IT, Music and Geography. 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? Friendly, Calm, and quiet. 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? Erm, I'm very different online than I am in real life, I tend to be quiet in real life, and a bit more 'energetic' online, and I never lose my temper. Honest. http://i40.tinypic.com/fbc3lj.jpg - You might wanna follow the link, it's massive on here. I R NOT EMO.
  17. It's the same as his username, much like most people. Cowchucker. He's not hard to miss, he's the only human on Earth with udders.
  18. It's a bit heavy for me to personally call beautiful. It is a good song though from what I've heard of it.
  19. Dusty

    Admin Application

    He likes The Fresh Prince Of Belair, therefore I like him a lot. Good luck
  20. Yay ^^
  21. Predator goes om nom nom
  22. I think I've made myself a bit unclear, of course during the busiest hours, there's always a admin on hand, even out-of game. For example, I got Robo to come and mute someone mic spamming, to which everyone was very grateful for ^^ I'm having second thoughts about this, and I feel I've made myself out to be a bit of a fool
  23. I realise, but there has been a good few times when there haven't been any whatsoever.
  24. Thank you ^^
  25. Gameserver: Zombie Survival Age: 15 Country of origin: England Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: My name is Matt, and I go by the name Dusty for most internet activities, (don't ask me why I picked said name, I don't know either) I've been playing on Mr Green's Zombie Survival for quite a while now, and I'm... there's only one word to describe it... addicted. I'm very active on the server, and spend most of my evenings, heck, most of the time I'm not being educated, on it. I've played 30+ hours in two weeks, and Mr Green's Zombie Survival is the only server I play on =L I'm very patient, and good-tempered, and I very rarely lose my temper, both in-game and out of game. At first I wasn't going to make an application, but it's becoming more frequent that I'm having games where people are either glitching, flooding the chat box, or mic spamming etc, and there isn't an admin to control it. I get along with most people, and even those who irritate me, I tend to leave them alone. I believe I'm fit for admin for several reasons, firstly as I mentioned before, the lack of admins at some times in the day. Secondly, as sad as this seems, I thrive on helping other people, in all aspects of life. Lastly, I know the difference between right and wrong, and I hopefully forward some justice into wrong doers minds. Have a nice day
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