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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Please, I don't get back on to my own computer till the 8th, and I don't want to waste time looking for a decent copy.
  2. Warez. Bah, the last time I downloaded a GTA Warez it had a trojan. Guess I'll have to look about further.
  3. (08:45 PM) Corby - Im not nice, im a bastard
  4. Got any, ehem, cracked copies of San Andreas for us?
  5. Yeah, erm, the term 'nigger' can be extremely offensive to some people, so can you stop using it kay? Thanks. Err.... Ok. I wont say nigger but why does it touch you so much? I say it because Black PC will be too long. Just ignore it. Thanks I'm just gonna ignore the seemingly perverted choice of words there. It doesn't 'touch' me at all, I'm just thinking of others.
  6. Yeah, erm, the term 'nigger' can be extremely offensive to some people, so can you stop using it kay? Thanks.
  7. Does it? Oh, I take back my comment then.
  8. When there's voice chat in-game, where is the need to fork out more money for a TeamSpeak server?
  9. I've got both a 360 and a Wii, but I'm going to have to go with the 360. The Wii is just, obselete compared to the other consoles. The only decent game for it is Super Mario Galaxy. All I use my Wii for now is charging my Ipod in the usb port
  10. [mp3] [/mp3]Bring Me The Horizon - Pray For Plagues. Amazing song :')
  11. One of my favourite members of our community, he's funny, helpful, and generally just great. Good luck. =) Rawr.
  12. Thanks, the Vista Anti Lag has seemed to fix the problem. I think I need to invest in a wireless card though.
  13. Dusty


    He's got experience, he's certainly mature, and generally he's got everything that's required to be an admin. I could easily see Danni as an admin. The best of luck to you.
  14. Thanks, I'll try it when I get home ^^
  15. It's not just on the games, it's throughout my computer. I would try that, but I don't think I have an Ethernet Cable long enough :L I don't see why just updating drivers would do this.
  16. Hello, recently I've been constantly getting the red message in the corner saying something along the lines of WARNING: Connection issue - Auto-disconnection in X. Normally, this doesn't mind me because it's just my internet having a 'hiccup,' but these are happening several times a game, once every 30secs-2minutes. This freezes me for around 5-7seconds, which in such a large time frame, ends up me either missing a kill, or getting killed. The only thing I've done recently to my wireless, is update the drivers on it, which stopped the USB port adapter from deciding to stop working whenever it wanted, and required me to reboot. I was wondering if there is anything I can do to stop these messages appearing, and they are making game play very difficult, if not impossible to play. Thanks in advance
  17. As Kniight and Redgord have put, based on the reputation you've given yourself on the forums. I don't see you being an admin.
  18. Got a new one which I like a lot.
  19. Sucks
  20. Dusty

    DutchMan's app

    Oh the irony. Personally I think his English is fine, he's understandable and certainly fluent. The application is a bit short, and as mentioned before, try to add a few more reasons why you think you're fit for being an admin and why you want to be. Good luck
  21. I don't know how to play poker D: I'm willing to learn though
  22. Completely mastered None Advanced experience None Mediocre experience mIRC Scripting Some experience None
  23. Never gonna give you up! Shaken, not stirred. Yeah, I need a new one.
  24. Epic.
  25. Chem sucks Also, what game server are you applying for? I'm guessing Zombie Survival.
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