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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Dust Hoops Goosty Google Dusts Gusty Gusty Doops
  2. [mp3] [/mp3]Papa Roach - Scars (acoustic)
  3. Pros: Nice guy. Talks a lot. Doesn't really 'rage' Cons: 30 hours isn't a very long time playing on the server considering the play time of others. Age may be a slight problem, I haven't heard of 'Admin Apprentices' Not very active on forums. (I know that's nothing to do with ingame behavior or anything, but it's nice to be known by members of the community who don't play ZS(a lot))
  4. Dustsawman
  5. I'm interested, but wait, I'M ENGLISH! I don't really have enough money to buy a 4 pack so I can't really help sorry
  6. Sacrificial beat me too it, you don't tend to be serious at all, and I'd prefer someone who is.
  7. You don't need replies at all, it will still be reviewed despite it not being in the recent topics..
  8. Excuse me! I am not a desk! I really need to buy a new mouse, tablet mouse at the moment XD
  9. I don't really watch TV, I tend to vegetate to the computer, but I watched a few series. Being Human Series. Heroes Season 1. Roswell Season 1-3.
  10. I'm afraid this is the same for me.
  11. I'm 100% for her being accepted. Friendly, sense of humour, general good things. Good luck!
  12. Is a cheater. (apparently)
  13. Woke up in my bed.
  14. e.g. The TF2 servers' AFK Manager? Yeah, exactly the same. That's kinda where I got the idea from
  15. Utterly pointless post, stop spamming the threads. I don't want to get too involved in this all, as I barely play MTA due to my computer not liking it. Perhaps a system meaning idlers get kicked after a certain amount of time?
  16. [offtopic] By any chance could you be my ginger Dutch friend who also goes by name shadowniels? [/offtopic] I've only played MTA for a few hours, and this was the main problem I had with gameplay on it. This would be a good addition I believe.
  17. -fail post-
  18. Good luck an' all, but I can't help thinking that half the application is completely pointless and is there just to fill space. Also, how would your English 'evolve' more when becoming admin, more so than it does being a regular player?
  19. It took longer than I imagined. Personally I blame Sneed.
  20. Ywa, I demand you re-do your list of 'sexy people' 'cause you love me so much an' all.
  21. Ah sorry, must have missed it (:
  22. chumphouse I go on a couple of times a week.
  23. There's no iron sights on dual elites, making it pretty impossible to hit whilst zoomed it.
  24. Sniper vs Sniper I'd love to see that finished.
  25. Oh dear God, thanks Error.
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