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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. I like the weapon rewards for kills system a lot, gives it a sense of nostalgia.
  2. *cough* 9th-Dragon *cough* SH@DOWS *cough* Sorry, had a little tickle there. Could we make suiciding a bannable offense? Like suiciding for the behemoth in IW is?
  3. Some people don't really approve of porn. Probably just the site name and maybe it's logo () - Don't know if you'll need permission to use them though, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to.
  4. I don't like to moan too much, but I personally think the crows should be removed, they're irritating for both humans and zombies. (I'm not the only one who thinks this) Not to mention the fact that, it's that easy to get out of maps with them, its not even funny.
  5. The crows have changed the gameplay for the worst.
  6. I've seen you be quite aggressive towards others, without any real reason. Meh, good luck I suppose.
  7. It's much easier just to stick the torches back without having to have a gun, it'd be a waste of time with night-vision goggles.
  8. Dusty

    1 to a 1000

  9. Dusty


    Pretty bad. This is just internet at my dad's house though. I'll repost my results for my other internet in a bit.
  10. These are all very valid points. Deluvas, implement them I can't say I agree with the comeback idea. I get pissed off as much as the next person about suiciders, but that idea ruins it for all people that have comeback.
  11. Don't really like muse But United States Of Eurasia (I think it's called,) is a pretty good song.
  12. That's the exact reason why I distanced myself from any form of clan a long time ago.
  13. What's with the camp jockey hands? o.O
  14. English isn't brilliant. Cursing in a app isn't a great idea either. You need a microscope to read the app.
  15. It'll be locked when it's either been accepted or rejected. Sorry for the fact that everyone's comparing you to the typical 11 year old, we've just had bad experiences with users of around that age.
  16. I think he's talking about killing them when you're not pyro
  17. :V Has no-one read what Clavus posted? He's still got a chance, as any applicant has, but his age (or lack of it) decreases his chances. Oh, and quit spamming the topic Mr.Darkness.
  18. Woah, what the hell? zs_fortress being removed for spawn killing? The spawn is big and with the lack of weapons, it's pretty hard to spawn kill.
  19. Bit young. Not a very detailed app. More capable people for the job. I barely see you playing. Good luck though.
  20. The scoreboard sometimes shows you as a different human class than what you are and you have to disable and re-enable the "show crosshairs with iron-sights" for it to work :<
  21. That's amazing.
  22. Dusty


    This was one of my favourite maps back when I played ZPS. I'd love this in ZS.
  23. Only your name and the 1 user directly above you/posted last before you.
  24. Merge your name and the user above you in as many ways as possible. For example, mine and your would be, Duston! Or, Lusty.
  25. Dustanthan Pewterdust. Johnsty Dusteshmitz
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