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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Clavus

  1. This is far from old, it still has the 'old' HUD you can activate in the options menu. There were a lot more updates before the one you recorded.
  2. Avast ain't the best. It's decent. But not the best. EDIT: Also Antivir beat Avast in the latest free virus scanner test.
  3. Part 1 Part 2 Hilarious
  4. I've got too many to name, let alone being able to point out my favourites. But I guess Propane Nightmares is one of them. [mp3]http://talbon.rendergfx.com/music/files/Pendulum-In%20Silico/03%20-%20Propane%20Nightmares.mp3[/mp3]
  5. If anyone would know an universal fix for this problem, he'd be a bloody saint.
  6. I think you'll need to refine your description
  7. I'll fetch it once I can! Maybe Ywa has it laying around somewhere.
  8. Chrisaster took all his exploits from AzuiSleet, the real king of GMod exploits. Also: this was NOT an rcon hack.
  9. Aye laddy.
  10. They're all the same message reading CHRISASTER IS AWESOME backwards. So I don't think they did it on purpose, it was yet another exploit. There was another GMod update just yesterday which 'fixed exploits' so hopefully this is over now too.
  11. My first zs map, zs_clav_oblivion. Was so dark you couldn't see shit
  12. The only ugly thing I see in that is your wallpaper. By which I mean the paper on your wall. Seriously. EDIT: Didn't floppy disks die along with the dinosaurs?
  13. Just made a quick photo: My rig build up out of a frame of kickass, filled up with awesomeness, supplied by a constant stream of POWAH. Q6600 @ 2.8ghz 4 GB ram PC6400 Sapphire HD4850 500GB HDD EDIT: latest rig on page 19.
  14. http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?p=...23#post13408023 Parody on ZS, currently being made by Rambo_6 (creator of Redead, The Stalker, and lots of other stuff). I love the human classes he made up
  15. While we're doing TF2 anyway...
  16. Reinstall GMod and make sure the content is selected in the GMod mount options. If that fails, also reinstall CSS and start it up at least once.
  17. In a podcast with the Black Mesa Source team they said this was "the best dam screenshot" they had ever seen
  18. Well you guys got to admit he's better than Bush
  19. Slightly entertaining. Bit glitchy here and there though.
  20. Meanwhile, gaze at the awesomeness of the trailer!
  21. I could look if those func_door are destructible now too.
  23. Clavus

    RP kid

    DarkRP is like the name says: the dark side of Garry's Mod. Stay far far away from it.
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