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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. While you're at it, could you fetch that lock from my pocket?
  2. Sucker. E: I dont snipe(in case that wasnt obvious enough). \:V/
  3. Worth the money, definitely worth the money. Once it sucks you in, it won't let you go. It's worth every euro/dollar/septim/dollah/doshy/whatever currency.
  4. And crashing the server when they all explode. (also you gave yourself the real pulse rifle with vaporizor balls once, was fun)
  5. No proof. Lock thread before shitstorm please. EDIT: To clarify, accusing admins of abusing and you don't have ANY KIND OF PROOF is stupid. Really stupid.
  6. No im not joining for this one.
  7. It's time for Sn1p3r 3l1ter on back to karkand.

  8. Are the green store items enabled. Yes = Im out. No = Im in.
  9. Let the games begin. *Equips Rocket Launcher* Oh look I'm on the team with people I barely know. fuckshitnigger
  10. Don't they usually ask for donation money too ?
  11. Hundred2

    The Last Of Us

    Looks pretty rad.
  12. Hundred2

    The Last Of Us

    Video removed.
  13. Looks more like runescape to me.
  14. Hundred2

    The End

    No life stalker has no life. (comes from a guy who is bragging about minecraft) [blackpeoplelaughingatmonitor.jpeg]
  15. people who fly And that are completely retarded? Air Radar is a must. (I am talking about jets) People who haven't unlocked Air Radar yet.
  16. Morrowind is amazing. http://i.imgur.com/qZbr3.jpg

    1. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Colovian fur helmet FTW.

    2. MrZunz
    3. Damien


      and i thought oblivion looked awfull after i played skyrim :/

  17. - Increased the power of Stingers against Jets. - Reduced the effectiveness of Stealth on Air Vehicles. - Flares reload times for Jets and Helicopter Gunners have been increased. lolwat.
  18. Count me in. Also what Nobana said.
  19. I never killed a chicken. I am also part of the 5%. OCCUPY WHITERUN.
  20. But this is a poetry forum THEN I WANT POEMS, POEMS OF SPIDER-MAN.
  21. What the fuck has he even been doing the last few months Developing that big minecraft update ?
  22. That is the shittiest attempt at a comeback / playing umad bro for laughs I have ever been able to lay my eyes on.
  23. Sup. Welcome to hell.
  24. Finally bought the HL1 Anthology pack, now I can finally play these legends.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Morning mister Hundred, looks like you're running late...

    3. The Lazy Peon

      The Lazy Peon

      Do it on Hard like me. Then you'll have my respect

    4. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      nostalgia... Want eet too

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