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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. A big patch coming for BF3!

    So what’s in the PC patch?

    You’ll see improved polish, stability, weapons balancing, squad control functionality, user interface enhancements, and several feature enhancements that address feedback the community has provided to date – plus we’re removing the so called “negative mouse acceleration” that some of you have experienced.


    And Karkand! Looks fucking great, cant wait to test the weapons from Battlefield 2 <33

    E: And it seems Clavus already linked this.

  2. Caravan things? What are those? Where can I get one?

    I just use my horse and fast travel like a boss. Horse's can climb anywhere.

    He means horse carriage, they're usually close to the stables (it's a guy with a horse carriage who can take you to any city for a little gold)

    Even to a city which you havent discovered?

  3. Although I sort of understand the immersion of mostly using walk, it's just too slow for me. Personally, I try to refrain from fast-traveling too though.

    Without fast travel you're going to spend ages running around.

    I only walk when I have to follow someone. Or when I sneak up on a soon-to-be-dead thing.

    I only use fast travel if its on the other side of the map in middle of nowhere

    Otherwise I'll use the caravan things.

    Also I walk in all those important places like the greybeard club

    Caravan things? What are those? Where can I get one?

    I just use my horse and fast travel like a boss. Horse's can climb anywhere.

  4. Been waiting for this game, but now that Skyrim's out, and the new Assassin's Creed will also be released on the 15th, I dont know if I'll have the time to play them all. Will buy this game as soon as I have time.

  5. Any tips who should I follow, who are the good guys? I mean the part where you select whether to follow the soldier or the rebel. I followed the Soldier through the cave to Skyrim and saved. Then I followed the rebel to Riverwood, talked with his sister and saved.

    Which save to continue, who are the good/bad guys? I dont wanna harm Skyrim!

  6. Must try that @ Clavus.

    I havent even finished singleplayer and not even planning to finish it. Stopped playing it as soon as I got to OP Guillotine.

    Its stupid that Support has both the C4 and the claymores, Recon should have both. TV-guided missiles are unpowered and buggy, as in they go through things without exploding.

    How much damage VS tank.

    Going to see whats the exact damage in private server on weekend. Doesnt disable a tank with one hit, so probably the same damage as laser guided, which is unfair imo.

  7. I havent even finished singleplayer and not even planning to finish it. Stopped playing it as soon as I got to OP Guillotine.

    Its stupid that Support has both the C4 and the claymores, Recon should have both. TV-guided missiles are unpowered and buggy, as in they go through things without exploding.

  8. Strike at Karkand and Gulf of Oman gameplay! Looks pretty good.

    If you're wondering why there's only 3 flags, its because they're playing the maps on the new game mode, Conquest Assault. Its a attackers vs. defenders type of a mode where only Attackers have "solid" spawnpoints but less tickets. In start the Defenders own all of the 3 flags, which attackers obviously try to capture, thereby eliminating Defender's possibility to spawn.

    Strike at Karkand

    Gulf of Oman

  9. Hah! You're only second in my list in Longest Headshot, my friend leads with 751,21 meters.

    Also, just got Below Radar for choppers.

    Also "Below Radar" thing wont work (atleast on jets)

    What do you mean by "wont work"? Works fine for me.

    Ahhhh okey. On jets you can unlock it, but it dosent show up on unlocks. Also it cant be passive one, because i'm getting locked by air-to-air missiles all the time with it (or...?)

    Its a permament unlock = its on all the time. Im guessing you get locked on by ground-to-air.

    PS. Only 19K 14K left for TV-guided :P

  10. Hah! You're only second in my list in Longest Headshot, my friend leads with 751,21 meters.

    Also, just got Below Radar for choppers.

    Also "Below Radar" thing wont work (atleast on jets)

    What do you mean by "wont work"? Works fine for me.

  11. Got 422 score/min

    Thats nice.

    I play clusterfucking Operation Metro 64 player conquest mode. Make sure you join the Russian side, cuz they always win. :yeah:

    That explains it.

    Operation Metro on Conquest is the most unbalanced map in the whole game. It should be removed in my opinion.

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