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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. umm he did it in the the css event and still now he is doing it... well you were using noclip HAVE A NICE DAY NOBANA! I repeat, stop making things up and stick to the facts. I-did-not-have-powers-in-CSS-event. And if you werent there yesturday, dont post here, the reason is: You dont know the facts. E: "Learn to read":, stop making things up and stick to the facts. You are just trying to make this bigger.
  2. I am not abusing powers, I abused powers once. How could I abused my powers in the event, when I didnt have powers in it, only TopCrew had. Ask Ywa about that. Always? I visit fun server 2-3 times a week? Im almost always quiet in there, people have never whined at me, if you dont count yesturday. Im sorry if Im rude, but stop making things up and stick to the facts.
  3. 1. I beacon myself and the other guy, we were the last ones, and I just couldnt find him, so I beaconed both. 2. I only drugged myself and Hundred2. 3. Yes, but I didnt ban/kick/slay the guy who was spamming traps. 4. Yes and no. I slapped the other guy accidentally when the list kept changing. And no, I didnt cause them to die, because they were falling and the ramp part wasnt even there. 5. They could also gone through the traps without waiting 3 minutes. 6. No, I did a vote on simpsons, buses_from_hell came by RTV.
  4. That, I dont know about. Judging by the screenshot, I turned it off when that was taken. And from screenshot, you cant see how long it was on, which wasnt even nearly from the beginning of the ramp. This you have to ask Hundred, (hopefully)he remembers better than me.
  5. LoL. You asked me to type sv_airaccelerate 9999 or something with the bhop. I said no, not my server. You kept saying to change it and calling me and "fag admin" = I muted you.
  6. Yes, slapped Hundred2 many times, even though nothing happened from it. Yes, slayed on deathrun when didnt go through the traps(were the last CT). Banned? No. Map change without asking? No, made a vote, and the result was 70-80% of 12-16 votes. Changed Deathrun map to another deathrun map. Beacons, yes when 2 guys left in deathrun. Noclipped? Yes, on piratewars when last T was in the boat. Me and Hundred flied to the mast(?) of the ship. No, we didnt noclip to do any harm(or how you say it), only when last one was in boat or something, didnt fly to him, only to the ships masts. Hundred2 had nothing to do with this. E: Yea, yesturday, approximately between 5pm and 6pm.
  7. Someone was playing Barbie 3 collector edition when suddenly something knocked on the balls of Roborobb which he enjoyed.His huge and pristine willy connected to his computer. He found pornographies even though he broke his legs last time he repaired his balls. He turned off his very small computer and went to the sex shop where Sneed was with his mother buying mans stuff. After seeing Sneed he ran away looking at headcrab which was on themassive red bus. Then Pufulet took out his gun called the Jiggalo3000 and shot headcrab right in the balls. But then he died very fast because of poison in headcrabs. He changed in a barrel to avoid some big sharks without the c*ck. The barrel had a hand with a big stick with some dogsh*t, and it says "Do a BarrelRoll!" Then he takes dark1thoughts face and crafts a Ushanka shaped like penis that was soft because he didn't have time to brush his teeth. Suddenly, a giant Roborobb's sexy cake attacks Chikennugget from outer space and to survive, he had to consume over 9000 brown cookies that were made of nordic tears, brewed with uncle sam's ale imported directly from the netherlands. He then played WoW raging like a Covenant Grunt.
  8. I think no one has the letter "Z" in their names, so no Zulu.
  9. Not in the US Army, here you are Lima Mike
  10. I know, nobodys perfect.
  11. Bored? What do you mean, Im bored? If your name is not in the list the reason is one of the following: A ) You werent in IRC when I made this B ) You werent active in forums today C ) I didnt remember your name Here are you're new names: Ywa = Yankee Whiskey Mayco = Mike Charlie Clavus = Charlie Victor Botervloot = Bravo Victor BouewV = Bravo Victor BlueYoshi = Bravo Yankee Corby = Charlie Bravo CyriusG = Charlie Golf CarPileUp = Charlie Uniform ChikenNugget = Charlie November Danni = Delta November Damien = Delta Mike Deluvas = Delta Victor DeathbyCrowbar = Delta Charlie EmRa = Echo Romeo Error = Echo Oscar Fadenoir = Foxtrot November Firehawk = Foxtrot Hotel Hundred2 = Hotel Romeo Lemon = Lima Mike Lukkie = Lima Kilo Mr.Darkness = Mike Delta Messy = Mike Sierra Norbo = Mike Bravo Notte = November Tango Nobana = November Bravo NPhect = November Papa Njittie = November Juliet Prismaa = Papa Mike Pufulet = Papa Foxtrot QTesla = Quebec Tango Redgord = Romeo Gold Retard = Romeo Tango RoboRobb = Romeo Bravo SDK = Sierra Kilo Skynet = Sierra November Stalker-Dude = Sierra Delta Sneed = Sierra Echo Toaster = Tango Echo
  12. These made me lol Boardslide-Manual-Shove It-Butt Roll Out.
  13. Same here. I regret that I bought an Nvidia card rather than ATI four years ago.
  14. Someone was playing Barbie 3 collector edition when suddenly something knocked on the balls of Roborobb which he enjoyed.His huge and pristine willy connected to his computer. He found pornographies even though he broke his legs last time he repaired his balls. He turned off his very small computer and went to the sex shop where Sneed was with his mother WHEN SOMEONE ENDS THE SENTENCE WITH A DOT, START A NEW ONE. Dont move the dot and add more stuff to that sentence.
  15. Agreed. Scarf is okay, we put a scarf on our dog to when there's a party/etc. But I cant understand people who put clothes or some bows("bow ties" says Google) to their dogs head/hair.
  16. God I hate those fags.
  17. Oh you aint getting Nvidia driver. ATI beats them. I would suggest 4850 or some 5xxx card.
  18. Nobana


    Hai, and I hope to see you in the CSS servers too!
  19. Heard bout it, tried for the beta but didnt get in. Why is Clavus in your avatar?
  20. Nobana

    game music

    Compared to any other Halo game, ODST music wasnt so good. It just didnt catch the Halo spirit. Even though they all was composed by Martin O´Donnel, ODST music was lame. This is good Halo music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_mHpkg-R5E
  21. Im so gona kill them if the (gun) sounds suck as much as they did in World at War, MW and in MW2.
  22. They better had designed a new game-engine. Im sick of the CoD4/MW1 engine, nothing fun in it.
  23. Last good CoD was Call of Duty 2, the game had it all. We'll see how this turns out.
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