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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Dont say that! Everything is possible if you believe in yourself.
  2. Havent seen you on IRC, but that can always be fixed. Good luck, I need a friend.
  3. Thats rare. Hannah Montana!
  4. You are going to spend 2 years in NY? If so, Im planning on visiting the East Coast some time. If I do, we should hook up.
  5. 1.85(ish) Me too! 186cm to be precise.
  6. So, the DoDS server has been empty three(3) weeks straight, or even more. What happened to it? Used to be full 12 hours/a day. We must do something to get people back in there, or we might aswell declare it dead! Fake player counts, more "advertising" on other servers in every game? What shall we do?
  7. Now when we are talking about USA, we might aswell continue. Anyone heard of the donut place called "Arnolds"? Anyway, we got them at Finland. and yes, its American company. Still, I saw not even one Arnold's place on the entire West Coast! Its an Finnish company. And compared to Arnolds donuts, Californian donuts sucked. America is suppose to be the promised land of donuts, but they were a big dissapointment compared to Arnolds.
  8. More like Scandinavian-ish. Finland is not in Scandinavia btw, just to let you know.
  9. Agreed. And the weapon sounds are pretty much the same as in all CoDs after CoD2. And I mean sucky. They sound just like airsoft guns. I dont know why wont they put an effort to the sounds.
  10. Oh, you ment weed. Not weed.
  11. Remove Weed? Why on earth would you do that?
  12. Hmm, I think I need some of those when us go to the US to stop getting those people who ask you for money for a charity which seems really dodgy. They are kinda rare, you really gotta watch out for those "END IS NEAR" and "JESUS IS COMING - ARE YOU READY" guys.
  13. This summer I am... Hopefully get my license. Hopefully get my bike, and just fucking drive with it Swim Fool around with friends
  14. Does the PS3 Media Server play MKV. files also? Or does it play one specific media file? Because on X360, the Window Media Center plays only the regular file used by Wind. Media Player, which is kinda crappy because most videos are MKV these days.
  15. Link doesnt work for me at least. But its awesome, my friend linked to me couple days back. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34B6nfQUTLk what the? the link is working perfectly... why did you post my video? Doesnt work for me, says something about the copyrights. Works in my link.
  16. I want a new action man, a new bike, a train, a robot, lots of candy, a plane, a new puppy and new shoes. WILL YOU GET THE FOR ME SANTA, WILL YOU!? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Ive been a good boy. Totally offtopic.
  17. Nobana


    How am I supposed to know that? It says that in the top of this page?
  18. Nobana


    Making 2nd topic wont help either. And guys.
  19. Topi & Tessu. LoL, how original
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