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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. I have it on Xbox. So no "Play now" button for me. And it changes without playing.
  2. Btw, has anyone realized any meaning of the "skill level"? It changes all-the-time. I start BC2, it says it has got lower. I start BC2 again, it has gone higher. I start BC2, it has gone lower, lower, and again higher. It changes without playing.
  3. Nobana

    Ask me anything

    Cant even find my own questin from there...
  4. Hold up. What do you mean with 'scared'? It gives me creeps.
  5. Now that we went offtopic, we might aswell stay there. I'll start. BlueYoshi, Ive always been scared of your avatar. Who the fuck is that guy/gal in it? Seems familiar.
  6. And the Finnish are taking over the forums. A new age has begun.
  7. Yea, if you say the word "please" enough, you will get unbanned! Good luck trying!
  8. Because no one else did.
  9. Sie minnuu halluu. Mie sinnuu halluu. Me ollaa hotellissa motellissa lomailemas. Me ollaa hotellissa motellissa lomailemas. Mitä muijat, mikä boogie, hyvältä näyttää niiku kuuluuki.
  10. Nobana


    I confess I hate Sweden and swedish(language). No offense.
  11. Or a tank battle, Atacama desert has the idea, but more open area. Like Highway to Tampa in BF2, it really had that Operation Desert Storm -spirit in it, with the tanks and APC's. As you can see, very open area battle.
  12. I just wish that they would make a citymap like what Battlefield 2 had. Arica Harbor in Qonquest is close. But even more CQB would be awesome. Like Strike at Karkand in BF2. Of course not exact copy, wouldnt fit for the low amount of players in BC2. But if they could just capture the spirit what you have when playing Karkand, it would be perfect. Strike at Karkand
  13. I tried that combination for the first time today. Was ok. I mostly prefer the normal(first) shotgun, 870 Combat, with 12 slug and Magnum aim. One shot one kill, and works like a sniper.
  14. Doublepost, so? Just got my 12th smoke grenade kill. Nothing feels better than seeing that text "Nobana<40MM SMOKE LAUNCHER>Victim". Oh, and once in Valparaiso, we destroyed the first two crates. Then I just randomly shot a smoke grenade to the next base from our spawn, and quess what? SMOKE OWNAGEE! The guy I killed then had to be like Wtf when a smoke grenade just fell into his head from 200 meters(or more)
  15. Kill some Kraut's for me, will ya? Have a nice holiday!
  16. The first picture of EmRA just somehow reminds me of Alexander Stubb.
  17. Oh, and those sleeping pills, are they with priscription(wat?) or some that anyone can get? If their not with priscription, I suggest you try those. I had priscription sleeping pills once and you just cant stay alive awake.
  18. Have you told/asked your parents about this?
  19. Did I get this right. Its a she, but her name is Henry? Well, happy birthday!
  20. Hmm, how can I test my persona? The instructions on the getpersonas.com make no sense. Help?
  21. How can I make a persona?
  22. Using it. The green is pretty dark, cant see my bookmarks so well on it.
  23. Nobana


    I remember when our first dog died at the age of 15. Our family had her before I was even born, so I had her for the first 11 years of my life. I know how it hurts to lose a dog, but you're lucky that you had her for 18 whole years.
  24. Ok, well how many players can you fit into it before it starts lagging like hell/a lot.
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