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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  2. Do it in Arica Harbor or Valparaiso. They are the best maps for sniping. I have all the sniper weapons but I only use the SV98 because it has the best crosshair, you can predict the bullets path in it better than in some shitty GOL or M95.
  3. HOLY FUCK, ONE OF THE ORIGINAL SURVIVORS(L4D1) WILL DIE! It wont be Francis though, coss he said "Passing will have new things that Francis hates". WATCH THE VIDEO
  4. I know, but still it sucks when you play and play till rank 50, and you get nothing from it. The unlocks shouldnt be so easy/early to unlock, like G3, it could be for rank 45 or something. Now its 22.
  5. Still missing UMP-45(last engineer weapon), M16(last assault weapon) and two medic weapons. Then I've unlocked everything in the game, before rank 30. Rank 23 atm.
  6. Hello! So, our DVD player broke up few months back, and we are buying a Blu-Ray player soon. Sure, we can play DVD's on X360, but Blu-ray would be cool. So, Ive heard that PS3 beats those basic ~150€ players when it comes to wathing Blu-Ray's. True? False? So would it be better that we bougth a PS3, or some normal Blu-Ray player which costs approximately 150-200€? Anyone got any expieriences of PS3 and its cabability in playing Blu-Rays? Some links to reviews about it? Anything will help. Thxbye. Nobana out.
  7. Just got rank 22. 17,000 score on one round(includes awards). DICE failed badly, Im rank 22 and I got every gadget, speziliation and all those "All Kits weapons". I assume I get every weapon for each class before rank 27(only missing like 5 weapons). Then there's 23 ranks more. What the fuck will I get/unlock on those last 23 ranks? NOTHING!
  8. Forgot that, gona put myself a reminder.
  9. Well I dont know if my KD is so good, many of my friends have it nearly or over 2.00. I just keep attacking, no matter am I a attacker or not.
  10. Just got ~5000 combat score, total 30 kills - 10 deaths. 24 kills with Assault's M416(not GL). Rank 21 atm, ~5000 points till 22.
  11. Got any signifians/awards? I have two of those 10,000 point badges(10 silver starts & 3 gold stars -badges). Got the M416 for assault, XM8 LMG for medic and the M136 bazooka for engineer. The M136 KICKS ASS WITH ITS ÜBER GUIDING SYSTEM!
  12. I won't stop you. You will regret that you ever said that.
  13. Why can Ywa post "porn" and we cant Gratz!
  14. Dude, that could be any random guy from the street. Prove that its really you!
  15. Just got the M95 sniper, so all sniper unlocks now.
  16. Have I done this already? Oh, well. 1. Real name and age? Tarmo, 15, so turning 16 this summer 2. Where do you live? In the funny country where santa does(No, its not north pole). 3. Previous experince with communities and boards? Well, been member of one finnish gaming community for, what, 6 years or more? 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) Sleep, I still live with my parents. 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? 9th grade, studying what, normal school? Gona try and get as a helicopter/jet pilot for the military/Air Force. 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? I like you 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? Well, only hobby atm is airsoft, "practicing" it for 5-7 years. I take it serious, so not some 10-year olds playing. You can find photos in other threads like this.
  17. Gona add you some day.
  18. I dont wanna be alone Good luck!
  19. Well at least Tier 1 actually exists, unlike some "Taskforce 141". And the player is not fictional character in MoH.
  20. New trailer, "entroducing" the Tier 1 soldiers. Looks definately better than MW2, and at least as good as BC2, maybe better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xuT3Asod9Q "Operating directly under the National Command Authority, a relatively unknown entity of handpicked warriors are called on when the mission must not fail. They are the Tier 1 Operators. Over 2 million Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines wear the uniform. Of those, approximately 50 thousand fall under the direct control of the Special Operations Command. The Tier 1 Operator functions on a plane of existence above and beyond even the most highly trained Special Operations Forces. Their exact numbers, while classified, hover in the low hundreds. They are living, breathing, precision instruments of war. They are experts in the application of violence. The new Medal of Honor is inspired by and has been developed with Tier 1 Operators from this elite community. Players will step into the boots of these warriors and apply their unique skill sets to a new enemy in the most unforgiving and hostile battlefield conditions of present day Afghanistan."
  21. Isnt that the weapon the russians bassed their PPSH design on? Yap. Damn copiers.
  22. Lies. Yes, almost all are bad, but not all. Those weapons which are good, they really are good. Got all vehicle, sniper(exept M95) and handgun unlocks. E: Rank 16 atm
  23. Assault guns are more accurate, I wouldn't say that LMG's are more powerfull. Rank 15 atm. All sniper weapons exept M95(last one) unlocked. E: Oh, and yes, EA is upgrading their server hardware today, due the laggs caused by amount of players. The maintenance break is 10.00-14.00 GMT+2, effecting PS3, X60 and PC versions.
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