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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Faithless - Insomnia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBrUjvONIrA
  2. You both have messy desktops, desktop shouldnt have icons at all. Thats a clean desktop.
  3. What the F? You can do that!?
  4. PC? If I get the key, then sure.
  5. I believe it's the Frostbite 1.5 engine, where BF1943 uses the Frostbite 1 engine. Not 100% sure though. Yes, BF1943 used the Bad Company 1 Frostbite 1 engine, BC2 used Frostbite 2(Destruction 2.0). So basicly BC2 has way more effective engine.
  6. It sure is awesome. I was in this three-storey building, and a tank was heading my way, I just managed to escape when it drove into the building and the whole thing collapsed over the tank. Im still thinking that should I get this for PC or X360? I may buy it first to X360, and when I get more money, then to PC.
  7. Its been only two days? To quote Hundred in other application:
  8. Mmkay. Wonder what kind of bug is it then.
  9. Hello all! Im asking that you remove the freeze time from CSS surf server. Its there that people could buy their stuff before round start, but there is only one(1) map that has buyable items. And because the spawn-protection is only 5 seconds, it ends when the round actually starts. And that is why spawnkilling is possible. So please, remove freezetime from CSS surf server. Thank you for reading. Over and out.
  10. Bad Company 2 demo is out in Xbox Marketplace!
  11. Im gona try to be more active on the Minigames server too. EmRA said something that he would make and app to minigames sever, dunno what happenes/happens to that.
  12. Nobana


    That system was in CS 1.6 too.
  13. *cough* Jealous... *cough*
  14. Nobana


    Good idea. But CSS server had AFK kicker yesturday, and it kicked people who were dead too. If you die, and go get a glass of coke, it kicks you, just beacouse you dont write/click anything for a moment. A improved version that kicks only living people would be good though.
  15. Can we has that match? Add CarPileUp to Axis, the we got ourselves some 7on7.
  16. CSS server lags like hell, pings are fine but it gets worse and worse. Its almost impossible to aim & move.
  17. Please mention your multiplayer games if you have Xbox 360 so people know if its worth adding you or not.
  18. Yea, thats what DICE has said so far I think. Only thing Im worried about that should I buy this for PC or X360? X360: +I dont have to worry that will it lagg etc. +Few of my good friends are getting it for X360 -It would maybe be better on my PC, I have Quad core processor and my video card doesnt suck? -Price PC: +I could play with all you(?) +Better on PC, read from above +Dedicated servers +Price -Lagg?
  19. Actually, there's two topics 'bout this. One and two. Xbox Live: WhiteDeath FIN
  20. A prosím, ak máte viac problémov, hovorí v tejto téme, a nie ten druhý, ktorý ste urobili.
  21. Áno, mali by ste používať google translate tiež, možno, že ostatné by vám potom viac. Je mi ľúto, že nemôžem pomoct viac.
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