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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Yea, -32 on open areas because the wind.
  2. Double post. So, few pictures of our dog, same place as the pictures I took and loaded to "Robbies Photography". Blinking eye. She found something! Trying to fly.
  3. Am I the only one who takes photos nowdays? Well anyway, the sun is shining, birds are singing, and theres -32 Celcius outside. Perfect time for some photos. Lets see... Ok, so this one is taken on the nearby forest too, theres a area with small trees. This too, few meters from the last picture. And one panorama(?) picture of that area. Then, we walk maybe 500-1000 meters, and theres this open area. This picture is from middle of that open area. We walk on for maybe <1km. Theres an second open area. And this is taken at the end of that open area. Then, after few kilometers. These are the landowners fields(still in use). Then, some random house, just had to take a zoom picture. Then, finally, a picture from our roof.
  4. So the movie is Zombieland? Or still open for suggestions?
  5. Why is there a thread about Pokemon?
  6. Oh no you don't! You're coming home to Finland!
  7. OK GRRREAT Thanks for not letting this die.
  8. So, Ive had this problem since the server crashed sunday. When I join the server, first thing I see is "Current amount og greencoins: 0", when Im suppose to have 387. Then, after 10 seconds, it kicks me and displays the message: Error verifying Steam UserID ticket. This problem appears only in MrGreen CSS servers(Surf & Fun), every other server works fine, including other Steam games and servers like, MrGreen DoDs -server. I dont know if this helps, but when I look at the console, there comes this red text, right after joining: No such variable "$bottommaterial" for material "nature/water_movingplane_beneath" No such variable "$bottommaterial" for material "nature/water_movingplane_beneath" No such variable "$fogcolor" for material "___error" No such variable "$fogenable" for material "___error" No such variable "$fogstart" for material "___error" No such variable "$fogend" for material "___error" No such variable "$fogcolor" for material "nature/water_movingplane_beneath" No such variable "$fogenable" for material "nature/water_movingplane_beneath" No such variable "$fogstart" for material "nature/water_movingplane_beneath" No such variable "$fogend" for material "nature/water_movingplane_beneath" Re-installing CSS didnt help, and Ywa said that he restarted the server, which didnt help either. Can someone help me? Fixed
  9. There are actually no admins... No admins! D: I was playing for a long time. Actually, Im admin on CSS, but I only play surf. I will come to Fun/MG server if needed. Just tell me.
  10. That doesnt count as running.

  11. THEY ARE KILLING IT! Halo 2 multiplayer will die tomorrow! Bungie is gona stop Halo 2 multiplayer TOMORROW! NOOOOOOOOOOOO
  12. Not. And yes, MW2 & IW suck balls.
  13. Maybe more info about yourself and why you would fit to be admin? Thats quite short app.
  14. No, sorry I lost it like 5min after posting here, a friend took it. But you might want to sign up here, they sent me a key in few days.
  15. Dont tell me what to do!
  16. Not necessary. Some people grow differently than others.
  17. You mean Friday 12th March 2010? That gives me the idea that you mean Friday 3rd December 2010... I believe the American notation is MM/DD/YYYY, while the European notation is DD/MM/YYYY. Yes, but was he meaning the American or European notation? I believe European.
  18. Anyone missing a key? I signed up to this EA page and they sent me key 5 days ago, didnt notice it. And I got one already for free. Anyone?
  19. You mean Friday 12th March 2010? That gives me the idea that you mean Friday 3rd December 2010...
  20. I thought this was about the age of this forum. I failed. 15.
  21. Its in Safehouse section. It isnt called "Safehouse" for nothing, now is it? Dont judge him.
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