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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. Back to Karkand due to release December 7th!(PS3 version)


    Only 3 flags, this better be some smaller 32 player version or else they fucked it up. I sure hope there's a version with original amount of flags.


    Contains some REAL gameplay of other maps too, instead just blurry clips full of shooting.

    And please DICE, fix your shitty made game so I can play too.

  2. Why is it that Technonegro, awesomeo_5000 and Baron Baconeer have to comment here even when they have nothing important/useful/real to say?

    Isn't that, like, the idea of a forum?

    Besides, counter-arguments against someone blaming an admin of power-abusing is something.

    No, thats why there is this section called "General talk".

    And you can hardly call comments like "LOL" and "what" counter-arguments.

  3. Why is it that Technonegro, awesomeo_5000 and Baron Baconeer have to comment here even when they have nothing important/useful/real to say?

    E: Fine. Just TechnoNegro and awesome_5000.

  4. I don't even see whats wrong in dictatorship if the dictator is doing his/her job right.


    Mussolini was a good dictator. He succeeded well in domestic policy but failed in foreign policy.

    I don't even see whats wrong in dictatorship if the dictator is doing his/her job right.

    Stalin was a dictator too. He killed people which didnt do his orders.

    I dont think Stalin did his job right.


    JETS THAT CAN HOVER? *feminine squeal*

    Duh. Straight from BF2, you fool.


    After this baby gets released, I wont touch any other map than Oman, Karkand on Sharqi Peninsula.

    Edit: It would be nice if DICE fixed their fucking game so I could play it, since the update which was supposed to fix crashes, made it impossible to play the game. Others are having this problem too.

  6. Oh geddafak out of here with these "we're gona die ww3 coming" -topics.

    For example Lybia. What happened there exactly? Evil Gadaffi was a bad boy so there was a revolution for freedom and justice? Wrong.

    Gadaffi wanted to create a international bank for Africa to rise their whole economy. Gadaffi wanted the USA to pay with Gold and not with their cheap dollars (even euros are more worth than dollars today).

    He also wanted to make the oil of the arabic nations to be their own capital. The USA should have been kept out of their business. They should have gotten less of the oil for much more money. Gadaffi wasnt bad after all, but then great america came and did what they can do best.

    Starting an intrigue and then they supported the lybian rebels with cheap weapons and.some soldiers of their own.

    At the end the USA won once more with a strategy they have been using

    for a long time now.

    And if you ask me, there would be a good chance for a war and are

    they really smart enough to prevent that? Really?

    I typed this with my smartphone.. Sorry because of all the mistakes

    People rebelling and fighting against the dictator because the dictator tried to improve things. Makes sense. (not)

    I honestly cant be arsed to go over this shit again.

    Good night.


  7. Just realised I've been playing through this whole time on expert. All 59 hours of it. After knocking it back a notch, I feel so much happier without getting one shot pwned by fucking archers and shit all the time.

    Expert aint hard, try playing on Master. I'm playing on Expert atm and gona stick with it.

  8. My main quest was bugged at that esbern guy <.< so i had to recreate the sound files or something now it works tough

    Me too. I used BSA unpacker to create a new sound files for him.

    PS. You can find the solution & instructions by googling "Skyrim *quest name here*" and it will be the first search result, in minecraftforums.

  9. Related to quests gotten from Winterhold. Do not read if you are in middle of these quests.

    I am now THE ARCH-MAGE OF WINTERHOLD! I got the Archmage's robes, which makes all spells cost 15% less, +50 magicka and magicka regenerates 100% faster. I also have the Arch-Mages ring which gives +50 magicka. Then I have this mask which makes magicka regenerate 100% faster (=magicka regenerates 200% faster?).

    I also have The Staff of Magnus which absorbs 20 magicka per second. And if the target is out of Magicka it absorbs Health instead.

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