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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Navo

  1. Not enough points for CITV and driver.
  2. This guy is amazing
  3. He lives in Israel so I don't think that would be a very good plan.
  4. I think they reduced the size.
  5. Dont get your hopes up
  6. Wow at Oman.
  7. Are we really Göring this way? Anne Frankly I hate threads like this. Sadly I can nazi an end to this thread soon.
  8. Go away voice of rationality
  9. C4 chopper on the sniper on the crane was incredible
  10. I wasn't playing with my buddies from PR then.
  11. Alright, who wants my formula for having fun in this game? Here it is: Join a 24/7 Kharg CQ server with 2/3 PR buddies, Man the scout heli, jet and AA vehicle. ???? Profit
  12. Platforms?
  13. http://www.cynicalbrit.com/audio/origin.mp3
  14. Yet no M-COM attacker or defender pin ribbon.
  15. CS:GO is just CS:S with even crappier animations and shiny graphics.
  16. They will never base it in France. *edit* I often forget little words.
  17. Maybe because the vehicle registration plate says "SAN ANDREAS". May be, but that just means the car is from San Andreas. But the place looks nothing like San Andreas, and I would assume that the game takes place where the trailer does. GTA IV also doesn't look like GTA III. But the setting was kinda a like. Like the griddy atmosphere. No country shit and such How about Vinewood. And a desert.
  18. Maybe because the vehicle registration plate says "SAN ANDREAS". May be, but that just means the car is from San Andreas. But the place looks nothing like San Andreas, and I would assume that the game takes place where the trailer does. GTA IV also doesn't look like GTA III.
  19. I quite clearly saw a jet passing between skyscrapers at some point. Might as well be the National Guard at 6 stars.
  20. Well it looks like Vice City.
  21. Vice City
  22. Yeah, it doesn't work that well. All that happens is people huge, ugly impenetrable cubes with water over them and go mining. There is no point in going outside anyway seeing a proper fortress is self-sufficient.
  23. http://translate.google.nl/translate?sl=nl&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nrc.nl%2Fnieuws%2F2011%2F11%2F02%2Fnetanyahu-probeert-meerderheid-te-krijgen-voor-aanval-iran%2F On second thought
  24. I don't get it. What's fun about this game? I had more fun in Blops and MW2.
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