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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Navo

  1. What, where does it say that? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTDmkrIrOrM&feature=youtu.be&hd=1&t=3m30s Keep an eye on the map. Notice the red arrow popping up when the enemy in front of him is firing. *edit* I had to post in code because else it will automatically embed the video and start at 0:00, which is retarded. *edit* VMR, ghilly suits are absolutely useless to a useful recon.
  2. So you automaticly show up on the minimap when you fire your weapon. Fuck that.
  3. High settings were medium settings. Ultra settings were medium settings.
  4. Navo

    Third attempt.

    You can't add friends on steam with just the free version. You need to either buy a game or buy something from the Con.Mann store in TF2. That's retarded
  5. Navo

    Third attempt.

    You can download a free game on steam (Team Fortress 2 for example) to enable it's features. Good luck.
  6. The gatling guns aren't their only weapons. Enough explosive ordnance on one of those planes to blow up a whole mall full of kitten orphanages. Well if one strafe run seems to immobilize them, the logical thing to expect would be that another strafe run would destroy them, am I right? In the video, at 0:55, you can clearly see him destroying a tank with one strafe run. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRhw9MHJZeo&feature=related I was talking about real life, herp.
  7. We were talking about the machine guns.
  8. A10's and Frogfoot's can't destroy tanks, only immobilize them or disarm them.
  9. Flawless jet rounds feel awesome. Hundred and I had rounds where we wouldn't get shot down once and just dominate the sky. Feels good man http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/578936112123643866/EB13B4545A75360AE67CEBF491ACAE3C86CAB43E/
  10. Recommending this app: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.kebab.Llama&hl=nl
  11. Samsung Galaxy S2/HTC Sensation
  12. Put up the map for download?
  13. Totally a new technique
  14. That makes absolutely no difference
  15. There is no such thing as an islamic race
  16. Already killed 2 choppers with my tank.
  17. Still very bugged.
  18. I gave you a proper source.
  19. Also http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-3/1436403-confirmed-squad-management-retail.html
  20. Navo

    Max Payne 3

    Raptor I can see your point, but the previous Max Payne games were pretty much focused around the noir setting. Changing that would simply creating another franchise. Take OFP1 and OFP:Dr for example.
  21. http://bf3blog.com/2011/10/report-ea-and-valve-in-late-stage-talks-to-get-battlefield-3-to-steam/
  22. Navo

    Max Payne 3

    Here is his story; He has the most sad life imaginable. Also, that trailer has TOO MUCH COLORS.
  23. Good recons are needed, which actually defend and kill people. But those who are just there to kill enemy recons.... Indeed, so get off dumbshit island
  24. That's what you get for being Recon 100% of the time
  25. Navo

    Unban Request:

    Dont talk about how you feel bad being raided while you have NO IDEA what this topic is about! Maybe pay some attention before asking it? xsissel. shut up. You're too much of a girl to do some proper combat. All you do is try to use godmode. LIL WHORE Yeah so this is not how an admin should behave.
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