So I became a vampire. Fuck. Go to this guy that says he needs a filled black soul gem to perform the ritual to cure me. Buy gem for 200 gold. Go back to vampire's lair to get an orkish sword that automaticly fills gems. Go to Bandit fort. Kill a Bandit. FUCKING GET ATTACKED BY A GOD DAMN DRAGON COME ON HOW BAD CAN YOUR TIMING BE Outrun god damn dragon on horse. Finally get cured. This took way too long.
Let me guess. Frost Troll ? She's still alive in my game, I actually look after the people who help me. Unlike someone. No, she got raped by one of those forest creatures. Also I got a motherfucking horse for free, and got 1000 gold with it.
So I was in riverwood, and decided to check out that cool ruin on the hill. Couple of bandits at the entrance, no problem. HOLY SHIT A GIANT SPIDER. Still better then radscorpions.
1. Land disabled jet on Russian airfield at Kharg Island. 2. Cheer for achieving the impossible. 3. Repair jet 4. Take off 5. Crash into other jet that spawns 1 meter in front of you while you are driving at full speed