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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Navo

  1. I don't play it.
  2. Problem is that the vehicles in BF3 do not have any weight. Also, don't tell me you think the jets handle better.
  3. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/324517/battlefield-3-lead-platform-switched-to-consoles-mid-development/
  4. Bonus: Headshot counter: 253 Few days ago you were hating on all bad shit recons. Quite a sudden change of heart. No, you hated all recons.
  5. Bonus: Headshot counter: 253 Few days ago you were hating on all recons. Quite a sudden change of heart.
  6. I lost interested because of the poorly designed maps. I'll see how B2K turns out.
  7. Because your sound is broken. This is true.
  8. I dont find the game that good tbh. Doesnt keep me playing.
  9. I've never ever seen you. Just ignore the Minecraft and MTA players.
  10. In the last fighting scene of the MP the guy I was fighting was invisible.
  11. No.
  12. I don't see how having people screaming in my ear about how they are being shot and how they finally got in a tank is fun.
  13. Never, ever, get on voice chat with 4 people that have no radio dicipline.
  14. Seriously the co-op is awesome
  15. Nobana, seriously. No one is interested in your whining.
  16. I don't know, haven't received my copy yet. I should get it tomorrow then I'll update you mkay.
  17. Redeem the code?
  18. That's a pretty badass wound
  19. Wehkamp is sending out before the release? They usually try to get preorders to customers on release day, which means posting it a few days in advance. I thought you meant you could pick it up today.
  20. Wehkamp is sending out before the release?
  21. That made me chuckle.
  22. I don't think that in this century we will see two nuclear powers have a conventional war.
  23. And usually there is paranoia.
  24. I am going to to have fun in this topic when I get home
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