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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Navo

  1. Turns out the AAVP is the best vehicle in the game http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/20089310/1/332928333/
  2. Navo

    Mr. Green LAN 2012

    Games: Minecraft. Also, that date is my birthday so I wont come. To be fair I wouldn't come anyway.
  3. There is a machine gun sticking out of the van, though. ...Though it might be there just to look intimidating. Air conditioning, no?
  4. Pic is obviously based on some post-apocalyptic world, where weapons and ammo wouldn't be that common.
  5. Navo


    How does enchanting work in Minecraft?
  6. How did that zombie die.
  7. If you type that address into a web browser, it starts to play Billie Jean by Michael Jackson :> lollol that could get Ywa in jail
  8. lol and your point? That there is at least a slight advantage.
  9. Navo


    But Clavus mrspec didn't combad logged, he reconnected 2 time's what isn't normal because when he logged in again he was @SPAWN!!! Here you got the video again!: http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=NL#/watch?v=FE95VHPgA94 Please ban him again. No clue how you managed to mess that up, but here is the correct link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FE95VHPgA94
  10. How. HOW. HOW DO YOU FLY. Select flares. Take off. Kill enemy jets. Baserape enemy jets. That's how it goes. Alternatively go on Rush and take the hilariously overpowered ground attack planes. yo yo your achievements suck and theyre easy peace out navo dogpuppy son out you got it dawg
  11. How. HOW. HOW DO YOU FLY. Select flares. Take off. Kill enemy jets. Baserape enemy jets. That's how it goes. Alternatively go on Rush and take the hilariously overpowered ground attack planes.
  12. Damn right
  13. I like Hot Fuzz.
  14. Every gas planet, from giants to anything smaller, does have some sort of co... Are we starting to dioscuss serious stuff here? Even the sun has a surface. If you go deep enough the gasses will be so dense that you could theoretically stand on it. But sun isn't a planet. Neither is Titan. Tis a moon. No fucking shit.
  15. Every gas planet, from giants to anything smaller, does have some sort of co... Are we starting to dioscuss serious stuff here? Even the sun has a surface. If you go deep enough the gasses will be so dense that you could theoretically stand on it. But sun isn't a planet. Neither is Titan.
  16. Every gas planet, from giants to anything smaller, does have some sort of co... Are we starting to dioscuss serious stuff here? Even the sun has a surface. If you go deep enough the gasses will be so dense that you could theoretically stand on it.
  17. Belgian ISP's, pfft.
  18. Probably Youtube derping again.
  19. Navo

    Max Payne 3

    You should play the first two regardless.
  20. Excuse me? Are you saying they aren't going to block it anymore?
  21. Navo

    Ban Request

    These topics never cease to amuse me.
  22. It's not my job to ensure your arguments are correct.
  23. Yoshi, before you start your with your damn useless arguments again: If you will not include a single valid source in your arguments I will lose all my respect I have for you (which is not alot after the discussion about BREIN) and will not bother to reply.
  24. The difference would be that censoring BREIN's website would be illegal and not endorsed by the state.
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