I highlighted the reasons I'm calling you guys hypocrites. Look, I completely understand your concerns. But it's not true. It MIGHT be in the FUTURE, and I understand that you are worried it will happen. It's like me shooting a bullet through you head now, because you MIGHT have wanted to kill me in the future. That's like saying that we should start overpolluting the planet again because climate change only MIGHT come in the future. Actually, no. For the pollution we have proof and we know it's destroying the planet. And even if we didn't have proof, this is about the world which is pretty important that we save it. Still, no reason to protest against BREIN. Then I suppose you also would have absolutely no objections against giving a head of state emergency powers when he declares the state of emergency? He might use them to make the country a dictatorship, but if you use that argument you are a hypocrite, right? Hitler used his emergency powers to reform the Weimar Replublic into a dictatorship.