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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Navo

  1. Get out Darkness, give us a chance to have a proper discussion.
  2. I highlighted the reasons I'm calling you guys hypocrites. Look, I completely understand your concerns. But it's not true. It MIGHT be in the FUTURE, and I understand that you are worried it will happen. It's like me shooting a bullet through you head now, because you MIGHT have wanted to kill me in the future. That's like saying that we should start overpolluting the planet again because climate change only MIGHT come in the future. Actually, no. For the pollution we have proof and we know it's destroying the planet. And even if we didn't have proof, this is about the world which is pretty important that we save it. Still, no reason to protest against BREIN. Then I suppose you also would have absolutely no objections against giving a head of state emergency powers when he declares the state of emergency? He might use them to make the country a dictatorship, but if you use that argument you are a hypocrite, right? Hitler used his emergency powers to reform the Weimar Replublic into a dictatorship.
  3. Navo

    The Person Above Me

    Kid with parents that desperately want him to be succesful.
  4. They can, but they get millions of the record industry for arranging lawsuits like this. it's their way of making money.
  5. Remove the vanilla maps. And Oman. *edit* Or don't do it, I got bored of this game anyway.
  6. SOPA's shelved. PIPA is the deal at the moment. The problem I have with this is a court is able to decide that our Internet is to be cencored. In my opinion this is too much power for a court and therefor this should only be possible by an act of parliament. New article in our constitution, anyone?
  7. Navo

    Mass Effect 3

    It really doesn't look good from the trailers.
  8. Navo

    Mass Effect 3

    Those animations make me cry.
  9. Navo


    Ice Cream Sandwich hologram?
  10. Looks fun enough from the screens. Should be able to make it.
  11. .psd
  12. Tootao I hope you are related to that child.
  13. Negative comments don't bring in donations. Just saying. How dares he state his rational opinion.
  14. Well, it's all good until shit starts entering your pc right? I mean I use MSE but in my opinion MSE isn't good enough to be the only protection in your pc, that's why I use MSE + Avast! + Comodo Firewall and Ad-Aware. Holy shit. You like a slow PC?
  15. MSE, and common sense. Malwarebytes for when shit gets ugly, but I've never used that before because I am not an idiot.
  16. I like how you only waited like half an hour.
  17. You be trollin' Bouwe
  18. Sexual services
  19. won't work they probably try to connect every hour and keep asking when it's gonna be back every 10 minutes xd They actually do that. Last time minecraft was offline for a week, clavus turned it back on to test and within 30 seconds people joined. It's scary. It's true, people try to connect every second. Never seen such desperation. crack addicts. Minecraft addicts are worse Mostly because they are 12.
  20. Offtopic: Why did you move to Brussels? Just curious.
  21. 33% off Valve, Dota 2, Worms Ultimate Mayhem. I am satisfied.
  22. fine by me too, and it doesn't really change that much to the server. But who decides who is experienced and who is not. Or from what people are we picking. Well, Clavus.
  23. I got no presents.
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