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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. Astronaut. Most likely: Stay in the army till I'm 30-ish. I want to work with something web/games related, or something like fireman or something. I think I'll end up as a web designer, biologist, game designer or scientist. That's my specialties atm O, I might do something math related, because I'm a natural born mathematic. (not a joke, ask anyone in my class xD)
  2. VMR

    2nd time fails.


  3. Poughkeepsie tapes
  4. You are! At least i dont like buttsex What does THAT have to do with anything?
  5. Mr.Green dictionary. Chillin - Lesbian sex Guys you need to fill in the rest xD
  6. Wait, what?
  7. I can be a bug tester. In everything. Love this project, I wish I could help more, but I'm really nooby at LUA, modelling, animating and mapping :/
  8. I doubt it. If we work hard it might be done by October or something ;p
  9. Only for 1 more day :]
  10. VMR

    Custom Tags!

    Love this <3 :']
  11. VMR

    Custom Tags!

    I think this is a great thread, need moar liek this? Artistic, fun and everyone can do it ^^
  12. I hate ERROR's. ALL OF THEM *dramatic music plays*
  13. I hate the new steam UI
  14. VMR


  15. I hate limited PC time. Can I say more than 1?
  16. VMR


    Welcome, young one.
  17. I don't know about the others, but it sure happens to me a lot. At least once every 5 hours. Some maps are more known for it, like dm_avalon, cs_desperados etc.
  18. Lol ^^
  19. You are!
  20. This is a big problem. Happens on all the maps, no idea why though... A script* that checks if everyone has weapons ?
  21. AARrrrrgghHH!!
  22. That's one big file :| You could upload it to megaupload or something. It would take less time to download, and less bandwidth for Ywa need moar events
  23. I'll give him a month next time I see him acting fishy
  24. Every time he kills me he yells "RETARD DOWN!" or "FAG DOWN!" or something else like that...
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