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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. - "get rid of" some weed - Get a B or better on my exam (hopefully) - Swim a lot - Going to Italy or something for this biking holiday :] - Also going to Spain (I have a house in Spain) - I might get in on a summer job with a friend, but we'll see about that
  2. I'm gonna give him a picture of a person from the internet. There you go :]
  3. I have this thing for tower defence games... :]
  4. Looks cool :] What kind of videos are you making?
  5. You need to resize the picture in your signature ol' man :]

  7. Oh lol, I forgot to look at the process ID xD At least half of them was from the same program 6448 is uTorrent I checked the PID on the other ones aswell, and they were all from legit programs.
  8. I ran a backup before I sold the old computer, and I recently opened up some of the pictures and programs I had saved, and my antivirus kicked in and deleted one of the programs. I had been using that program for quite a long time, so I realized the people who sent out that trojan had already had control of my computer for quite some time. The old computer is no longer infected, and I changed all my passwords since then, so I didn't get that frightened. Then I thought I'd better be on the safe side, because it's not that hard to merge a .exe file with another innocent looking file, so I ran a netstat -a and this is the resault When I usually do it, I get a few ones with the local adress or to the same external adress. I know some of them, like xxx.xxx.x.xxx:6667 is mIRC and so on. I have uTorrent open, and that makes connections with a lot of other programs, but won't that just show a lot of connections through 1 port?
  9. I liked the old CSS better. They basically just added a lot of stuff to make it look more like gmod.
  10. TC and people involved only :]
  11. Yay. Finished the whole game in like 3 hours
  12. "keep doin' what you've been told" Your pimp?
  13. Downloaded it, no scam :]
  14. -------- Cool tutorial :] *thumbs up*
  15. VMR

    Sexy picture

  16. Ywa you better close / delete this thread right now, the IRC is spammed with runescape talk!
  17. They basicly killed PVP in 2006 or something. That's when I quit They removed the wilderness :C Some guy "teamed up with me" He asked if i could teleport. I was a idiot, i said no. I died pretty fast, lost around 10 k worth of stuff. Last day i entered the wilderness lolol. Good old days Well I went PVP with a guy for like 3 hours, then he killed me and took all my stoof... Got scammed so many times, but I got better each time >:] That game was a lot of fun, wish they didn't ruin it, I might have still played it...
  18. They basicly killed PVP in 2006 or something. That's when I quit They removed the wilderness :C
  19. P You Re Look up my stats Runescape was is kickass xD
  20. I consider abusing doing stuff only for your own advantage. for example, if there's a guy you need to kill, beacon him. If he is too good for you and you know it, you slay him. noclipping to people and kill them etc. Oops sorry for bumping this again xD
  21. I agree. This is a one off of many and he is usually a good admin. Usually, when you're there, do you honestly think he is going to abuse while an other admin is there? Besides he also tried to show off to his friend (Hundred). Oh and he abused it today with the beacon and by the way, it is not that "Once" is the problem, it is the problem that he DID abuse and ruins the game for everyone in the server. Look I've abused before, I think that every single admin has, you cannot expect us admins to be robots EVERY MINUTE WE ARE IN THE SERVER, even we have to have fun at times. Can't you understand this you great big troll. Peace, ERROR xx +136 points
  22. I'll pay you 21k for it (in Runescape ofcourse) DEAL
  23. Ywa I still have my old account, with 21 mill Wanna buy? xD
  24. I agree. You should make the text in photoshop, in the same style as the background
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