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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. Wiki isn't workin. ERROR 401 IS CHEWIN THA SITE! Seriously tho, it says connection failed or something when trying to enter.
  2. About the time line, not the moveh. Or just read about it..? Erm..Where?
  3. 10 Votes for GO F**K YOURSELF I guess I'll just annoy Ywa for info
  4. I have lots, mainly cp_steel and hoodoo.
  5. I guess, I would have to be getting info tho
  6. Only site admins can do that.
  7. Wait, wait, wait, wait Why is it so pointless?
  8. Green Earth? And whast not to get? All it is is the story of the most amazing community led by 2 men with some epicness into it. I COULD NARRORATE!!!1!!one!!!1!!11
  9. Why not?
  10. Thats why you don't
  11. Movie Idea: A movie just based on the amazing "climb up the ladder" for the community "Mr.Green". I mean isn't it great? We do a a series of movies based on how Mr.Green was made and the many ironic and funny adventures it had.
  12. Epic bump is epic. Metalgrounds is a Sniper map. Impossible for zombs to win if there is no epic sniper on their team.
  13. HMM...HMM...HMMM... Third application, much moar info, very very VERY active Except on Gameserver you put the following: The Team Fortress 2 server. Which one exactly? Mr Green has 4 TF2 servers. Well, Ywa said on your MTA application that you have a good chance for the Future, and the Future in THAT Present is NOW. I don't think they can decline Good luck, mano.
  14. Necrossinns 3rd picture=Ozzy's Paradise.
  15. We care about him too
  16. Dude, what Let it go, man. Let them have their offtopic Norwegian showdown.
  17. [English] WAHT? [/English]
  18. I am away, on steam and stuff.
  19. Meh, I'm used to Firey Fox.
  20. Internet Explorer sucks, slowwww I would get Chrome if it had a delete history shizzle.
  21. weren't you supposed to be gone for 2 weeks? Yes, and I am! Doesn't mean I don't have internetz tho, does it?
  22. Firefox ftw. Easier way to delete all the web history so my parents can't see the pr0nz sites.
  23. I'm Israeli, pretty much immune to every hazard in the world :0 Get well soon tho we all love you! How come a lot of peeps are sick on Mr.Green? D:
  24. WTF 0.0
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