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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Everything posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. It seems fine. Just like it should be, shame on upload speed ;_;. I don't know is that really all that fine. EDIT: Wait didn't read the as it should be.
  2. Every gas planet, from giants to anything smaller, does have some sort of co... Are we starting to dioscuss serious stuff here?
  3. No, I don't think so. Tube's been working correctly for me lately.
  4. Implying that there are serious conspiracy theories.
  5. It's not a conspiracy if it's true! Trust me, this shit was prophesied by Ptolemaios, mayas and Howard the Duck.
  6. Everyone knows that Saturn's moon, Titan, is mostly composed of methane. Now you blind sheep might be thinking: "Isn't that quite normal for a gas planet?" Well, you obviously don't see the bigger picture. Keeping dairy animals is only mean of living for some people. Cheese, milk, leather, beef, all manner of products are made from cows. But U.S. government, those greedy masterminds have made an alliance with titanians, who are herding cattle in Titan! Ask yourself: From where else would all that methane come from? Soon, the government, aided by eeeevil corporations will start selling piss-cheap milk, soon collapsing the world economy with their underprized products! And where's the catch? Without monetary economy, all the debts of U.S. are abolished! Isn't it crystal clear?
  7. I have missed something beautiful.
  8. Baron Baconeer


    Hm, indeed. Using common sense isn't a conspiracy. Unless everybody expects him to act along as a stupid person but then he isn't but really is and BRAIN.exe HAS STOPPED WORKING
  9. Baron Baconeer


    link. It was in finnish back when the incident happened, sorry.
  10. Baron Baconeer


    Yup, that's why I love conspiracy theories. My favourite was the one where the tsunami that hit Japan was caused by eco-terrorists because there was a picture of an owl in one of the cooling towers.
  11. Baron Baconeer


    I'm pretty sure I read from somewhere that Obama is actually against SOPA. I love it when a conspiracy comes together.
  12. Well, unless all the admins choke from laughter...
  13. Anyone up for a rousing game of Hunk Rump: The Gathering?

    1. Hundred2


      Tragic: The Garnering.

  14. Here are few things I noted back yesterday: 1. The textures are excellent, especially some specific celestial bodies. However, some of them still require work, for example the red mushroom blocks sharing texture with obsidian and inventory pictures. 2. A better means of travelling should be avaible. The shuttles are way too rickety, unless they could be like starter equipment or the like. (Compare wooden sword -> diamond sword, shuttle -> actually properly working spacecraft) 3. A pre-generated world would most likely work better (i.e. the one we have atm.) than regularly generated floaty world, for 'tis not a proper space-adventure without being able to trudge trough ancient alien's ruins and suchso. Also, with the constant night, having a safe haven (like the spaceport we have now) would be a requirement so that new players wouldn't get swamped by never-ending stream of mobs. 4. Torches should be replaced with lamps. Having a scifi-esque torch is just weird. 5. Vines lack colour and appear grey, which doesn't fit aesthetically well with other plants. 6. Skeleton's bows, even if left there intentionally, don't fit the general colour scheme. (Though I think you were working on bows?) I'll post more when it comes back to my mind. Praise the dark star.
  15. man boobs Just the dark star.
  16. Space, the final frontier.
  17. http://www.neowin.net/news/anonymous-takes-down-doj-website-in-response-to-megaupload-news Shit has officially hit the fan.
  18. Just something I had an idea for. Made by Salty.
  19. Somewhy the download doesn't work. It insist that (translated) "the download is temporarily unavaible." Also, just FYI, my minecraft nick is Aavemursu.
  20. Baron Baconeer


    But it limits the people's choices. Think about it, what if government would say that there should be no more pre-sliced bread?
  21. Baron Baconeer


    But they also want to prevent the marketing of sliced pineapples! How could you support such an inhumane act?
  22. Baron Baconeer


    Ahahahaha Same problem :') And here we have a supporting argument for learning other languages. The other wikis weren't down.
  23. Baron Baconeer


  24. Argh! Agreement in the internet, my only weakness! *Melts into a pool of gore*
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