I'm here to cause unrest just because of the one simple fact: I hate those snot-nosed uptight corporate idiots who can and will attempt to cease and desist even the slightest copyright 'infringement', even if it would be protected under the law under, for example, fair use. If SOPA and/or PIPA passes, corporations can not only remove fair use material they deem as an infingement instantly, but to also override the constitution of a sovereign nation. There would about as much democracy working there as in a soviet people's republic. Secondly, the guys who vote for these things are children of the cold war, with frail grasp of modern internet society, who are simply goaded by lobbers. Unless they are told what their actions will actually accomplish, the poor sods will smear the internet, which was also recently named a human right, with pseudo-righteous bullshit and censorship. EDIT: Gah, bloody typo.