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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Everything posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. You know what I mean. Just because don't use the word 'might' and frankly don't happen to have much love for american government fiddling with world's affairs doesn't mean I'm playing the oracle of Delphine over here. I'm able and willing to pay for whatever I want to buy from the internets. My concern is about taking down my favourite shows in youtube, for example. There's no need to act the part of Antisthenes among the 'spoiled rich-asses'; We damn well already know that most of us have, are and will commit piracy regardless of the outcome, and none of us are trying to even excuse it.
  2. I'm here to cause unrest just because of the one simple fact: I hate those snot-nosed uptight corporate idiots who can and will attempt to cease and desist even the slightest copyright 'infringement', even if it would be protected under the law under, for example, fair use. If SOPA and/or PIPA passes, corporations can not only remove fair use material they deem as an infingement instantly, but to also override the constitution of a sovereign nation. There would about as much democracy working there as in a soviet people's republic. Secondly, the guys who vote for these things are children of the cold war, with frail grasp of modern internet society, who are simply goaded by lobbers. Unless they are told what their actions will actually accomplish, the poor sods will smear the internet, which was also recently named a human right, with pseudo-righteous bullshit and censorship. EDIT: Gah, bloody typo.
  3. Fun fact: Caps lock, in fact, doesn't help you to make your point across, even ironically. But true. Gandhi was also stupid for starving himself instead of letting the brits do it via shoddy colonial opression.
  4. Could I have bit more details? I had at least these in my mind: 1: Will hamachi or similar be used to host the server? 2: Will we use voice chat? 3: Is there other objective than test the textures for creative purposes?
  5. That is his real age. Unless you're referring to his prior actions.
  6. I ate a mushroom yesterday.

  7. I highlighted the reasons I'm calling you guys hypocrites. Look, I completely understand your concerns. But it's not true. It MIGHT be in the FUTURE, and I understand that you are worried it will happen. It's like me shooting a bullet through you head now, because you MIGHT have wanted to kill me in the future. That's like saying that we should start overpolluting the planet again because climate change only MIGHT come in the future.
  8. You did question your maturity, but trust me: You've gone a long way from your beginnings. I can vouch you for at least being committed to the subject if for nothing else. Good luck.
  9. There's this one topic constantly popping up to my recent threads.
  10. 1. Promos 2. Installing steam-only games somewhere else than the steam folder 3. Open content material
  11. We need to go derper would be more appropiate here.
  12. A guy who looks like Rick Astley.
  13. Don't forget the apparent sockpuppet account (also illegal) that he give himself reputation with.
  14. Could you mod the drowning property to regular air blocks, then? EDIT: Also, imagine the moments in (possible) pvp scenarios when your helmet breaks in the middle of battle. Harhar.
  15. ..."Making things and europeans?"

  16. They can, but they get millions of the record industry for arranging lawsuits like this. it's their way of making money. Bah. They most likely can't. Half of the sods voting there don't even use the internet.
  17. I don't know much about minecraft modding, and thus have no idea whether my idea could work, but I'll throw it there still. Maybe you could make the plane/planet/universe/space/whatever work like you would be underwater for breathing purposes, and all helmets would come with the underwater breathing enchantment. ((Also, Wezrine, why do you have a personal plusreputation account giving you points?))
  18. I will do it. I will take the craft to the space. Those textures just urge to create space-cobblestone cubes.
  19. That would be the first texture pack I'd actually want to use.
  20. Yeah, back in oblivion you could drink so much skooma that you'd lose all your fatigue, fall down into a river and drown to death. Now it gives stamina due to Dovahkiin's weird metabolism.
  21. Origin? Yeah, time to hit the markets of the seven seas, folks.
  22. He always walks everywhere, that's why.
  23. Never gets old for me.
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