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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Everything posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. Ah, yes, here it goes again. The faction whose members could make Pinocchio's nose reach heights that could make Mount Everest Blush. Being serious bringers of justice to the corrupt admins while writing repetitive essays, posting humongous trollfaces and lying their asses off. Corby fanboys? Yeah, only that there's only two people making useless posts about his 'combat logging' and 'admin abuse.'
  2. I laughed so hard at that amusing meme! I want to strangulate you right now.
  3. But what does it have to do with this particular thread? If you want to whine about this... 'combat logging', there's a thread for that.
  4. Is the universe a faction or a place?
  5. I think this thread is getting even more unnecessary than it was at the beginning.
  6. Guess what. I dont. Does anyone except those three guys that come to the forums just to whine about Corby?
  7. There is something that really disturbs me in that picture. I don't know what. EDIT: Ahah, nailed it!
  8. And I thought there could be no possible way to have even less respect to that guy.
  9. 104 hours. And I'm not giving you any pictures, you can dig it up yourselves you lazy bastards.
  10. Actually, Clavus just changed that so that you get warning from posting on one of those topics.
  11. No point arguing with people who can't back their arguments. Or even know what it means. Also, Inb4 Clavus comes and notes how this poll will have no effect whatsoever.
  12. [citation needed]
  13. doesnt matter who it was made by he could stalk it up with goodies As in, all the crap inside.
  14. Everybody knows the secret vault. And it was made by Awesomeo, not Corby.
  15. Winning team and most kills, at least the second map. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mursuautomaatti/ is the account. STEAM_0:1:21853544 , that is.
  16. But that would result into admins not playing. They didn't make the server faction wars if they'd want to play divine carebears.
  17. Like that wouldn't just happen again.
  18. I have to note that my comment was in according to the general spirit of the topic, as in presenting evidence againts a liar.
  19. 1. ban limit is 10 posts so don't lie 2. why can't he post it himself ?! 3. he'll get unbanned soon (if it was rlly spamban) he wasnt typing 10 word i am not lying!! have a proof?! -___- Chat logs.
  20. Was he really spamming? There's an old thread with pictures of him combat logging.
  21. Ooo, I love those gold blocks.
  22. Ooo, the plot thickens.
  23. Ahahah *Snort* Wait, you're serious?
  24. Not my problem, obviously, but I don't think Corby wants to hear any more of that crap.
  25. Because two words from the mouths of the majority: Admin abuse.
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