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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon

  1. All great stuff btw. POWER TO THE SONS!
  3. Oooh, very nice. You're an E-God now, Necro.
  4. Like your hands bob and you move your gun about. Might be hard to code, but would be interesting. YES! @ more speech!
  5. I like that Minky. I'd love to see some new gun/ hand animations and perhaps more dialogue lines. These would make the game more interesting and to stick out more overtly than the current version!
  6. Happy new year, guys! Roll on Guild Wars II!
  7. Good luck, you Russian man-nugget
  8. You are a little young- Seeing as the youngest moderators are 16. Other than that, you seem a genuinely nice guy and this is a good application. All the best to you!

  10. Mine and Minky's family tree is long and complicated

    1. Dr.Minky


      And slightly worrying

  11. Here's our Skype names: Dr.Minky- louis.bartlett2 The Lazy Peon- thelazypeon Luke Nukem- thechaoticpanda
  12. All I'm saying is that the instance he described to me didn't match the definition of "Combat Logging", And I'm just saying he doesn't usually lie. I don't want any further part in it to be fair.
  13. Hypocrite? I've never said anything in any of the other threads about it. It's clear you'er using a stupid argument here, Corby.
  14. SERVER IP- PASSWORD- civilwar It's time for action, Soldiers! Tonight, at 7:50 pm english time, We begin our first of many battles! Blood will be spilt, hopes shattered and morals drained. But at the end of the day, there will be a winning team... And a fuck load of Green coins! Here are the teams. Wish them luck: They'll need it THE SUPREME DEATH LEAGUE OF ULTIMATE DAPPER GENTLEMEN (STARTING AS RED TEAM) - Field Marshall DR MINKY - Major LUKE NUKEM - Private BLOTERVLOOT - Private GARM - Private GRASSHOPPER - Private XEIM - Private NOBANA - Private TECHONEGRO - Private WEO - Private FISHWITHAHAT THE DIVISION OF WASTED YOUTH (STARTING AS BLU TEAM) - Field Marshall PEON - Reich Fuhrer SNEED - Private CLAVUS - Private BLUEYOSHI - Private RAPTOR - Private BACON - Private KEFEUS - Private TENNISBALLESSER - Private PANDAPOPS - Private PANNENKOEK After the battle has finished, there may be a few skirmishes on the outskirts! See you out there, Soldier! -Field Marshall Peon *If you are not in either team, please don't join the game... There'll be more battles to come!
  15. Knowing Ben in real life, Like Nukem and Minky, He's re-told us the story several times over today, and it seems he acted within reason. I'm not really involved, but he is not the type to cheat. Just thought I'd share my opinion. Disregard it if you desire...
  16. Hey guys, Just a quick clear up: If you can't attend, that's fine (YOU YELLOW BELLY COWARD), But can you message me ASAP So we can fit another guy in? Thanks a bunch! Stay tuned for WAR!!
  17. Sex
  18. Lol, only just noticed the Thu'umbox. Pun-tastic...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MiF


      Skyrim references, skyrim references everywhere.

    3. Pufulet


      I dont get the Thu'umbox..

      Care to explain?

    4. MrZunz


      Response to Pufu:

  19. All good points, brother Raptor, I shall address them. I'll discuss with Clavus the server and get back to you guys ASAP!
  20. You can replace Nobana, EmRA!
  21. This
  22. Civil WAR! All right you Maggots, Listen up! Many of you knew this day would come. This glourious, blood stained day. This day that everything changes. That's right, the WAR begins next Friday 16th December at 8 PM English Time! 22 Foolish Brave Men volunteered to fight and... Let's face it, most certainly die for the cause of personal Glory. The rules are Simple: Each team gets two attempts at defending and attacking, and the team with the highest score, wins. In the event of a tie, well, We have an Arena showdown. The Winning team will receive 5000 Green Coins each! A bonus incentive for Highest points total will be an extra 2,000! It's all to Fight for, brothers. Here are your teams. Learn them, Work together AND DIE IN A MASSIVE PILE! See you out there, Privates! -Field Marshall Peon THE SUPREME LEAGUE OF ULTIMATE DAPPER GENTLEMEN (STARTING AS RED TEAM) - Field Marshall DR MINKY - Major LUKE NUKEM - Private HUNDY - Private GARM - Private GRASSHOPPER - Private XEIM - Private NOBANA - Private TECHONEGRO - Private WEO - Private FISHWITHAHAT - Private ZOMBITCH THE DIVISION OF WASTED YOUTH (STARTING AS BLU TEAM) - Field Marshall PEON - Reich Fuhrer SNEED - Private CLAVUS - Private BLUEYOSHI - Private RAPTOR - Private BACON - Private KEFEUS - Private TENNISBALLESSER - Private CHICKENUGGET - Private MOGADON - Private PANNENKOEK *Any admins using Hax or changing the game will lose, automatically!
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