Civil WAR! All right you Maggots, Listen up! Many of you knew this day would come. This glourious, blood stained day. This day that everything changes. That's right, the WAR begins next Friday 16th December at 8 PM English Time! 22 Foolish Brave Men volunteered to fight and... Let's face it, most certainly die for the cause of personal Glory. The rules are Simple: Each team gets two attempts at defending and attacking, and the team with the highest score, wins. In the event of a tie, well, We have an Arena showdown. The Winning team will receive 5000 Green Coins each! A bonus incentive for Highest points total will be an extra 2,000! It's all to Fight for, brothers. Here are your teams. Learn them, Work together AND DIE IN A MASSIVE PILE! See you out there, Privates! -Field Marshall Peon THE SUPREME LEAGUE OF ULTIMATE DAPPER GENTLEMEN (STARTING AS RED TEAM) - Field Marshall DR MINKY - Major LUKE NUKEM - Private HUNDY - Private GARM - Private GRASSHOPPER - Private XEIM - Private NOBANA - Private TECHONEGRO - Private WEO - Private FISHWITHAHAT - Private ZOMBITCH THE DIVISION OF WASTED YOUTH (STARTING AS BLU TEAM) - Field Marshall PEON - Reich Fuhrer SNEED - Private CLAVUS - Private BLUEYOSHI - Private RAPTOR - Private BACON - Private KEFEUS - Private TENNISBALLESSER - Private CHICKENUGGET - Private MOGADON - Private PANNENKOEK *Any admins using Hax or changing the game will lose, automatically!