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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon

  1. I'm an Orc: Ask me how.
  2. "Oh and Gordan, before I forget: I thought I saw you drop THIS back in Black Mesa..."

    1. Baron Baconeer
    2. Luke Nukem

      Luke Nukem

      *Chucks a book on how to learn to talk *

  3. Congratulations and a very happy birthday! Expect a care package of Drugs, Alcohol and condoms from me and Sneed via post. Honour the fire!
  4. Right class X.... WWWRight Clarse SEX

  5. My brother's got it on Xbox and he's playing it right now: I thought it was MW2. There is no difference.
  6. I'm pretty sure this isn't hax, but a prime example of pwn4ge. @EmRA- BACON'S READY!
  7. I love you all. This is un-conditional .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. Darkness
    3. Dr.Minky


      Its not GAY if you do it in the butt!

    4. Sneed


      Only gay when you enjoy it

  8. Gentlemen, Should I purchase this game?
  9. It's pretty dead in England... As Political Correctness sets in (e.g No more old peoples homes, no more seriously scary costumes) people are just moving away from it. Soon it'll die completely, but it's a great idea, just some people *points towards the houses of parliament* suck at everything. That doesn't have much to do with Halloween, but it's a tradition we are ourselves killing.
  10. 7/10 Fallout... Overplayed in game... AAAHG
  11. Somebody order a pizza? No? well, fucking Shit. FUCK.

  12. Darkstar, tell that Girl her days are numbered. Haven't done this myself, so: 1. Real name and Age? My name's James Hickling and I'm 16 (as of April 2nd) 2. Where do I live? Currently I live in Loughborough, Leicestershire. The same town as Dr.Minky and Luke Nukem. Essentially, it's a small-ish town with nothing really going for it. It's nice, and some of the people are great (and others not, right Minky+ Luke?) 3. Any previous Communities? Not seriously, no. I dabbled when I was younger with various CoD 2, Quake III and WoW communities, but never became seriously involved in any. I suppose that's why L4G is special to me: I guess I lost my Community-Virginity to it. And they say you always remember your first. 4. Do you have a Job? Not currently, partially because I'm too Lazy but also because I don't really feel the need. Should a need arise. however, and I'll search for one. Until then, Feck no. 5. School? Currently I go to Burleigh Community College, alongside Minky and formerly Luke. It's as good as it could be really, with some great teachers and even better friends of both genders, different levels of sanity and different levels of Fucking me over relationship wise (No need to elaborate there, Minky or Luke.) Currently I study English Language, English Literature, History and ICT (although I plan to drop ICT next year) They are all good, coursework based subjects. Meaning I get less tests, but have to do Feck-loads more coursework in the mean time. 6. In three words... Caring, Irritating and Emotional (Again, no comment Minky) 7. Anything else? I love Left 4 Green and, whenever they'll let me, get involved in most of what goes down here. It's great- there's such a pallet of backgrounds, beliefs and mental-fortitude in the group, we're like one massive family. From Blueyoshi's astoundingly deep poetry, to Darkstar's E-Peen, to EmRA's 'Let's blow shit-up' frame of mind, to Clavus's Fatherly hatred of mine and Sneed's Tom-foolery, You are all really quite amazing. I'm here to stay, whether y'all like it or not. FUN FACTS -I've been known to drop the occasional explicit. - My favourite bands are U2, Joy Division and Killing Joke - Firefly and Band of Brothers are my favourite TV series' - I love movies -I love Games (mostly) - I love Sneed, Minky, Luke, DarkStar, Clavus... I love you all.
  13. Dude, I consider any member as a friend! (Except a few) Ah well, I hope you see sense and join the Fray again soon!
  14. Look, let's just get this over with and break up NATO and shoot at the Americans. It'd work. Regardless of that, may get the game soon. Looks good, if a little (EXACTLY) the same as every other Modern shooter. Rage at me, sons.
  15. GTA V- Liverpool would be interesting...
  16. EmRA that second photo is the best thing I've ever seen.
  17. HUNDRED2 IS 17! WHAT A LEGEND! Post your E-Cakes and Birthday messages here! Happy birthday Brother, you've always been awesome to me, and I love you an un-healthy amount! Have a good one!
  18. As Luke mentioned, I love Watchmen and Batman, but these are DC. I love that DC are so dark and dismal, it's a great contrast to the sometimes whimsical style of Marvel. However, I do feck'n love Marvel. There are so many Heroes to choose from, but I guess I'll narrow it down to three: 1. Iron Man- He's just awesome. In the movie and in the comics. It's Tony Stark that wins me over, Robert Downey Jr. Bleedin' amazing actor, Funny script and an amazing story, It becomes something shh-uper! 2. Spiderman- Obviously. He's a classic- and if someone did something more Arthouse with him, that'd be awesome. Seriously. 3. Wolverine- Look at those claws... And Hugh Jackman! My favourite Marvel Film has to be... Thor. It's just awesome. I think the story with the 9 realms has such scale and personality. Plus, it's got Natalie Portman. Hope this helped- What do you guys love about Marvel?
  19. look, we'd get the same effect from a real war! Let's invade Ira... Oh, wait.
  20. They should change the sub topic of Ban/Unban to- SO MUCH HATE!

  21. War ist einen... Milch?

  22. Well good luck brother, hope they let you join the fabled admin ranks! (And don't listen xsissel or that other guy, they are both absolute C***s and we don't like them)
  23. I hear a gargling around here... Sounds like dick sucking. Huh, oh well. Must've been those tapes of Darkstar...
  24. In my experience, Boxes are usually empty, maybe with a little cheese stuck to the top, and this one time: Pepperoni! What a day THAT was!

    1. TechnoNegro


      wheres the ham, man? I like kebab more, tho.

    2. TechnoNegro


      Wild Shoutbox Paladin TechoNegro appears!

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