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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon

  1. Welcome to the forums, Brother. Let the warm folds of it's community embrace you. Needless to say, we have some barnacles (DRAINAL) upon the great ship's hull, but we're a lovely bunch really. So sit back, grab a beer (if you're old enough) and kick some ass with us!
  2. Personally, I CAN believe it's not butter...
  3. If history has told us anything, it's that Three Reich's make a wrong.
  4. I loved the Original of this game. May give the mod a try.
  5. There they are! Those brave men and women and a Sneed! Feel free to keep signing up though, Remember that some of these Bullet-sponges may back out like the lilly-livered, Yellow-Belly Milk drinkers they are!
  6. Drainal, you can't ban anyone from anywhere you dumb fuck.
  7. We need three more of you, Maggots!
  8. You'll get a higher rank the more CIVIL WAR events you participate in. Until then, clean the latrines, Private Nobana.
  9. I'm sure if this works out well, we could force EmRA into doing something sexy for us.
  10. Civil WAR! Left 4 Green is about to play host to the greatest battle it has ever seen. One so bloody, so inhumanly inhumane, so unjustified, that if they weren’t busy destroying the Euro Zone, the UN would prohibit it. But justification can be found. Found in the face of your enemy: Look at him! He’s ugly! He’s invading your forum! The main course of action? Shoot him. I know that many of you already harbour a deep seeded resentment for your fellow man. Perhaps you are a social outcast; perhaps you just don’t like EmRA all that much. I know I don’t. Or perhaps you are simply bored. Regardless, the first of many battles is about to commence. The plains of Dustbowl will, once again, play host to a slaughter. I send you this letter not to insult you, nor to mock you: But to ask for your trigger finger in the holy sanctuary of fiery death giving. That’s right brothers and sisters, the first battle in our Civil War will be on Team Fortress 2! Details of the terrain have been decided, but those of you to be drafted have yet to be decided. Seeing as this mission is essentially suicide, we need volunteers. 22 of you, to be exact. The first 22 of you, Soldiers of freedom, shall be chosen to spill blood in the name of honour… Or a fuck-tonne of Green Coins. You decide. That’s right, YOU’RE GETTING PAID! Oh yes, the teams! I forgot about that. Seeing as this is a civil war, there are no real sides. No real alliances- You’ll all be playing the mercenary. A short time after you sign up, you’ll be told your brothers in arms. FORGET THAT “PAL’S BATTALION” Bullshit too- You’re on your own. Well, you and 10 other random Greenies. Simply reply on this topic or message me to join the fodder... I mean the recruits! It’s going to be a war to remember. And it’ll be in 2 weeks. See you out in the field, Private! - Field Marshall Peon ENLISTED FODDER MEN: -Field Marshall Dr.Minky -Field Marshall Peon - Major Luke Luke Nukem - Private Reginald BlueYoshi97 - Private Arthur P. Dr Pannenkoek - Private Jeremy mogadonskoda - Private William Xeim - Private Hubert Kefeus - Private Francis Q. ZomBitch - Private Sander TheGreenGrasshopper - Private Emilio Hundred2 - Private Harrison Nobana - Private Pierre Chickenugget - Private Jennifer ClavusElite - Private Wayne Tennisballesser - Private Donnie FishWithAHat - Private Joseph TechnoNegro - Private Micky BaronBaconeer - Reich Fuhrer Vonnie Sneed - Private Stanley Raptor - Private Lou Captain Garm - Private Gellar Weo THE RESERVES! - Cadet Reiska
  11. It's like someone took all of my fantasies and rolled them into one, hairy-ass bundle!
  14. Let's not get into this again. The world wouldn't risk a global war again unless there was some major need. There is no major need, right now.
  15. It is common opinion that war is bad. So bad, that someone wrote a song, explaining that it is indeed good for absolutely nothing. Here at The Prodigal Sons, we disagree. War, is fantastic. We don’t mean the real thing, you know, with the shrapnel wounding, mass murders, illegal nerve gas attacks, needless civilian killings... We don’t mean the Iraq war. No, we mean Left 4 Green. We’ve modelled ourselves around cyber-slaying each other for years. Like the early days of ZS when it catered for the hardcore and all the old bloods first met. He shot at each other for days, we racked up masses of kills upon each other, insulted one another, some even had relationships. War, then, brought us together... and allowed us to blow each other apart. Now that ZS has changed, the CS:S servers gone, MTA’s still sucking (that’s right, I said it), the TF2 servers lagging, we appear to be left with Minecraft. This simply attracts Whiners and Kids like flies to shit. We have a problem. There’s a chasm forming. All the old bloods are either sticking together or becoming intrinsic. All the new guys talk about Minecraft and plea to be unbanned for spamming. Needless to say, Me, Dr.Minky and Luke Nukem are sad because of this. The occasion occurred at school: Me and Dr.Minky were sat outside and he said: “James, what the hell’s happening to L4G? It’s dieing. We needa do something” – To which I soberly turned and replied: “Let’s have a fucking War” Enter our idea. Soon, very soon even, L4G will play host to the greatest civil war that has ever... happened on Left 4 Green. Details are yet to be finalised, but you all are going to be a part of an inter-community Wargasm that will grant perks, give prestige, and bring you together with your fellow Greenies. Monthly (Or less) tournaments on games YOU choose, where you are put into two random teams, then and your Comrades must rally together, and quite frankly Murder the other team in-discriminantly. TF2 Matches, Surf tournaments, CS:S Battles, Left 4 Dead speed runs, MineCraft adventure maps... It’s all going to happen. And YOU are the fodder... I mean heroes. Excited? We know you are. Now load your Shotgun, Sharpen your sword, drink your stamina potion, grab a med-kit, and get ready for War. Because War, War is fantastic.
  16. Hilarious. Need a webcam...
  17. Happy birthday mate!
  18. Being a Werewolf is hilarious. And Socially inept.
  19. Just so you all know my Orc is not a magic person. Oddly.
  20. Yeah well... I have white eyes and am lathered in War-paint and swing heavy blunt/sharp objects at people if they upset me. Plunderin' be a way of life, you see. Honourably, of course!
  21. A responsible, caring and down to earth guy. Knowing him in real life, he's one of my best friends and an incredible leader as well. He always takes the front of what he's doing and really enjoys getting into things and seeing the results. Personally, I couldn't think of a more suitable candidate for admin. In a server that is currently running-on-empty in terms of authority, he'd be a boon not only to Minecraft, but to the rest of the community. He may post a boat load sometimes, but to me this just shows how keen he is to help out here at Left 4 Green. Hope my voice is heard: Minky is a great, great guy. +1 from me.
  22. Clavus your character looks like a massive Homo.
  23. Fuck this, I'm going to Whiterun...
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