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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon

  1. Literally bricking myself with excitement.
  2. I think, personally of course, That the ZS crowd should stop whining about stuff they can't change or in any way affect. Seriously, the amount of garbage threads that are being spawned by you guys is horrendously annoying. Remembering the good old days of ZS when it was, I dunno, decent? I can never remember there being this many topics about it. Here's a plan guys: Stop fucking with it. Just an idea for you there.
  3. Ok, here's the link to the group profile! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ProdiGuild CLICK IT (OR COPY AND PASTE IT)
  4. Hey guys, quick point There's been a Prodigal Guild Steam page been set up, just type it into Steam, or look on my profile, and join it! It's the second best way (apart from here of course) to stay in contact with what's going on! Thanks again guys!
  5. Yeah you guys are right. They seem too... Feminine and Anime-ey if you get my drift? I think they are a response to World of Warcraft's Gnomes (who are also stupidly out of place). Anyway, Charr all the way for me!
  6. Gears of War III, BattleFrield 3, MEINKRAFT Finished, GUILD WARS DEUX! ACHTUNG!
  7. I know this is a double post but: This is quite important right now! Tell us what you think lads/lasses/Sneed Anyone thinking of being an Azura? I was just wondering what everyone thought of them as a race... They seem a little out-of-place to me!
  8. You've got that right Dr.Minky. Anyone could be an officer in this guild, you need simply apply when we upload the thread, and EACH CANDIDATE will be considered! As for a release date, I heard somewhere late 2011/ early 2012. And to be honest, i'd prefer them to release it when it's done, not at the earliest possible time.
  9. Always could Luke, we won't judge you! Anyway guys, we've already got 4 Officers here, and soon hopefully we'll start with the officer voting! Anyone play the Original Guild Wars? Did you like it?
  10. I dunno, but I smell another Gold Squad Clavus... *Sniffs the Air*
  11. Erm, Hundy, it turns out I'm your Father.

    Sorry you had to hear it this way, Son.

  12. They should do something like inter-platform competing. Like teams of Entirely PS3 guys vs PC teams etc etc. That'd be great fun.
  13. Heya greenies, I Know I've had a go at this before, this is a story. A story so awesome, it actually makes little sense if you think about it. Essentially, me and Dr.Minky are going to be writing this madness, but we want you to help us! Comment on what you think is funny/isn't funny/ offensive to the Dutch! Keep commenting on this thread, or send me some steam messages, and I'll update it as we go along. (And yes, there is going to be people from the forums in it. And yes, there's going to lots of swearing and in-appropriate jokes. And yes, Clavus is going to be very annoyed) Enjoy, and let me know what you think. THE BALLAD OF PEON AND SNEED -OR HOW THE UNIVERSE ENDS WITH MUTUAL INTEREST Prologue- An appointment with destiny The air was heavy, he had felt like this before- but he couldn't remember when. There was a bead of sweat forming on his head. Why? He asked himself again, and again. He stared at the back of the chair, dreading what was sitting there. A cold laugh crackled. "It's time for you to join us, Sneed." Said Fuhrer Velden. Sneed clenched both his fists and ass cheeks. "Fuck you, FUCK YOU AND YOUR SCIENCE!" he turned quickly and violently and sprinted for the window. “Don’t do it, you fool!" Came a voice from the back of the room, it was Peon. Sneed stopped, and turned. "Oh no, THEY GOT YOU! I THOUGHT YOU MADE IT OUT OF THE PLANE CRASH!" Sneed yelled, the emotion in his voice was immense. "Yes they did," Replied Peon, "And it felt good- come to the Pink side, Sneed" He muttered. Sneed's face went pale. He muttered to himself in a strange language that sounded like someone gargling a penis (Swedish) "If you can't be on my side, Peon, THEN NO ONE CAN HAVE YOU!". Peon smiled, and drew his Shwing-saber: it was pink, unlike the old Green that Sneed had remembered. A tear welled in Sneed's eye: He didn't want to kill his dearest friend, but he had to- not just for himself, but to save the galaxy from the evil Fuhrer Velden. Sneed cracked his knuckles. "Let it be," He said, and the battle began.
  14. I'm more than likely going to be a Charr Warrior. -Firstly I love Warriors, they take a really physical and noticeable difference in a group. Plus, I'd much prefer to hit stuff than prance around at the back tossing fire at people. -Charr because of the first game. The player spends about a third of his/her time killing them, so I sort of developed a fondness for the guys. Plus they look really cool.
  15. Alphabet
  16. Well it got all messed up I can't hand out any GC for simple victories during that clusterfuck. Instead, for 5000GC, try to guess what word I'm thinking of. Starts with an A. Has 12 letters. Have fun Augmentation. Victory!
  17. If it's gonna be cross-platform play, the Xboxers and PS3 guys are going to get molested. Know what I'm saying? *Offers a high-five*
  19. To wet all your appetites a little, here's some game play.
  20. You guys (Admins) are gonna get pwnt. Just saying.
  21. Could just be another CoD, or they could make something pretty special here. Looking forward to it.
  22. Also, here's one of Luke Nukem and Dr.Minky! Luke's on the left, Minky taking a drink on the right! And here's Luke in a suit He just can't resist those damn suits!
  23. Well, I havn't posted here in a while The one of the orange dildo thing is me, The guy behind me in the superman shirt is Dr.Minky, and Luke Nukem makes a surprise entrance to the right! Here's me taken out by a sniper. Thanks for that, Clav. And here's a action shot: Mid clap-pressup why not? (and Dr.Minky showing his peen to the left)
  24. Damn that sexy illusive Ywa
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