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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon

  1. When you can grammatically structure yourself correctly, and have descended testicles, we will consider you "Taking us down"
  2. This sentence is a lie.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sacrevy


      If by intensly gay you mean hetero then no.

    3. Sacrevy


      That made no sense actuallly.

    4. The Lazy Peon

      The Lazy Peon

      I love you both, Darkstar and Minky.

  3. Well done with that one Clavus. But no, Fish, that wasn't an intentional quote! More soon, when I can be bothered.
  4. It's a beautiful thing we have, Darkstar. But anyway guys, for more on our sensual visit to the Tzu, check out the topic i've made!
  5. Sometimes even us Greenies need to go outside. "Why, oh Peon, why? Why when I can stay inside and shoot zombies, slay dragons and make cocks out of cubes on Minecraft?" I hear you cry. Well son/daughter, the answer is simple: GOING TO A FREAKIN' ZOO! I don't know who it was (And no, it wasn't Tsun Tzu) who came up with the concept of stealing animals from the wild, removing their sense of purpose and making them dance around, but they were a genius. Allow me, if you will, to share some snapshots of mine and the good Doctor Minky's trip to the Zoo. I'll add more in due time, but here's a vast selection to start off this whimsical journey of self-discovery, love and loss, and of course, a plastic gorilla. (this is one of our favourites) And, of course- How can a love like this be wrong? PS- Guy in white shirt is Peon... Minky is the dude with curly hair.
  6. I'll probably do most of the Tanking/Melee DPS... Even though there are no group roles
  7. Should be called a "Rabble" for the Humans or a "Blood Group" for zombies. it'd work, mog!
  8. Hey there Guys, As you know, I'm a long term fan of ZS, and I'm happy to hear that Necro is doing this. As requested, here's some ideas I have had. CLASSES In my opinion, the class system doesn't sound that great. To create more of an atmosphere, the classes should be more naturally. So instead have names like "Marksman", have "Ex-SWAT" or something like that. The classes themselves seem very balanced. But we need to remember that the original ZS can get incredibly frustrating for the Zombies with over-powered humans. So can I suggest making weapons harder to get, and don't make them too silly. Remembering that the setting is a post-apocalypse world, people running around with Chain-guns isn't exactly the most in-character thing. So I can't see many other changes that I'd recommend. Keeping them balanced and fair is the only thing that requires delicate attention with the current plan. LEVELLING SYSTEM What Pufulet has suggested is madness, and will ruin the game. This isn't Call of Duty. More advanced players shouldn't receive any significant bonus, e.g perks or weapons, that noobs don't have. The only way that players should be separated with is their skill. Experience levels to show dedication or to unlock purely cosmetic items, such as hats or weapon skins, would be a lot better indeed. You should have titles related to these, ones that are funny and heroic, not just "Private" and "Sergeant" NAMES We should avoid any gimmicky names that make the game appear tacky. - Mr. Green's Total Invasion - Green-Ocolypse - Mr Green's Zombie Holocaust Stuff like that is better than sticking to convention. Apart from that, Necro, sounds awesome. You don't have to listen to me anyway, what do I know? Hope this provided another angle for you guys!
  9. SLIGHTLY OFF TOPIC: Wezrine has no affiliation administrator wise with The Prodigal Guild, e.g The Guild Wars II Guild, just the Minecraft faction. Continue Gentlemen.
  10. I also ate an entire Wheel of cheese...
  11. Ah, the good Doctor himself. as you may well know, Minky and I are great friends in real life. I've known him for well over two years now, and we're very close. Some would call it a Bro-Mance. And they'd be right. (Sorry Sneedy) All the time I've known the guy I've been taken back by his level of maturity and situational handling. Being incredibly sensitive in areas that required it and taking a leader role in others. Sometimes it's quite astounding to be around, as he can lift any situation out of the dirt and literally send peoples moods into orbit. He's hilarious, witty, can play the guitar (which is always a good thing) and he's an incredibly passionate leader. As you know, he and I and Luke Nukem are going to be heading the Prodigal Sons on Guild Wars II on behalf of Left 4 Green. I wouldn't have bothered asking him to help me if I didn't know he'd do a better job than myself. I don't think you need me to say anything else apart from the fact that he is an incredibly passionate leader, a dedicated gamer and perhaps one of the most fair individuals I have ever met. And I met Jesus once. Good luck you poodle-haired ragamuffin you.
  12. Sterling service delivered by one of nicest guys in the community. Bravo sir, and welcome to the Green-Club! (Poker night Tuesday)
  13. Don't worry Darky, no one likes Terminator. And although your absences are short lived, we miss you every second. Moral of the story? Never leave us again. Ever.
  14. Fucking damn it
  15. Typical Englishman being Drunk all the time...
  16. Adam Jensen is god

    1. xeim


      adam hide a lot

  17. Just to nudge this thing back to the top: We've had a few applications so far, but we'd love to have more! If you are at all interested, click the download link and follow the instructions in Dr.Minky's first post!
  18. Damn you Minecraft 1.8, DAMN YOU

    1. xeim


      notch is almost as lazy as you .. and the other guys from mojang

  19. Hello you! Remember those days when you had a social life? You could go outside, smell the flowers, play on a park somewhere or even meet a member of the opposite sex? No? Neither do we. And after we kick start "The Prodigal Guild", you never will again. And you'll be happy about it. That's right, Welcome to our little corner of Left 4 Green! Here, we'll be posting just about everything to do with the Guild: How much fun we're having, pictures of all the Greenies sitting atop a pile of shiny gold pieces, events and planning and even the rumoured officer applications, but all that in due time. Everything, and I mean everything about The Prodigal Guild and "The ProdigalSons" will be here for you to find. Here's a link to our steam page, with a similar set up to this page! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/prodiguild If you haven't already and you are interested in the Guild, sign up there! Got any other questions? Of course you do! Ask away! Thanks, and remember to keep your sword sharp and ready! LET'S GET OUT THERE AND KICK SOME ASS! Your Lord and Master, The Lazy Peon Right now, here's a list of our Officers: SENIOR OFFICERS Dr. Minky The Lazy Peon Luke Nukem ENLISTED OFFICERS (none in current circulation) Want to apply? Damn right you do! See the associated topic to get on the boat!
  20. THE BEST POULET DANS LE TERRE. An absolute L4G legend. We all love you, thanks for being you dude.
  21. You seem over-zealous about this man, Clavini.
  22. Watch more TV the fly politics thief socially awkward techno colour American gladiators I hate foreigners makes going for a walk look like hard work guilt is not of god this is not a rehearsal US foreign policy death is a career move celebrity is a job rap music pop music war heroin cunt vandal do not adjust be gentle with me rape is a moral lapse murder is never ok buy more furniture kids bloody kids lies religion is a club run for cover a terrorist nazi play with fire evolution is over

    1. Darkstar


      I have no idea what you just said, but LAVE YEW.

    2. xeim


      that really .. touched me :o

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      On other news, vampires.

  23. Looks like someone forgot to take his medicine... NURSE?
  24. I'd like to learn the Drums, but you know this already Dr.Minky.
  25. So you are a Racist, and an idiot? Pardon me for shitposting, but this guy doesn't deserve to be on the L4G servers. Thanks, and goodnight!
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