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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon

  1. Think i'm gonna be a Warrior. Always loved em'! What classes are you all thinking of being then?
  2. Mesmer sucks! Warrior all the dang way!
  3. The Guild Wars Guild is gonna be special.

    1. xeim


      lets slay some dragons

    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Shit, lets be dragonslayer.

  4. Who is this Corby? AND WHERE CAN I GET ONE? Of course you going to be an admin, you sexy devil you! Good luck anyway! <3 <3 <3
  5. Thanks to everyone so far who's expressed an interest. Let's get as many people as we can involved, so if you know anyone who's getting the game, get them involved! We should start some form of Officer voting/applying soon. Currently, we have: - Me (The Lazy Peon) -Dr.Minky - Luke Nukem We're gonna need quite a few.
  6. Well that's what this idea is about Clavini- There's room for the hardcore guys who want to do all the raids/ dominate the game, but then there's room for people who just want to play casual. And then the hardcores can help the casuals out. It's a great cycle where everybody wins.
  7. Congratulations brother. Here's for many more not just in good health, but with as at Left 4 Green too!
  8. we're looking for anyone to join us. Mainly from L4G, but also the rest of the world. Previous experience in MMO's doesn't matter!
  9. Hey Greenies, I'm sure a lot of you are already aware of the impending release of the game Guild Wars II. If not, then you really should look it up! Anyway, seeing as the game is entirely team-work based, me and friends decided we should make a Guild to work together and get the most of the game. That's when we came up with the super idea of: "Hey, how about we get those Feck's over at L4G to join in?!" An lo and behold, here we are. That's right guys, WE ARE MAKING A LEFT4GREEN GUILD! Although the plan is poorly formed currently, we really are going for this. We'd love (and I mean LOVE) for as many of you guys to get involved as you can. Even though Guild Wars II is gonna be an MMO, THERE IS NO SUBSCRIPTION FREE. (WoW Got pwned) E.g, you buy it, you get it. Simple stuff! Me and my friends are (very soon) starting a video community called TheProdigalSons, so the name of the guild will be "The Progial Sons", but we'll post loads and loads of links to Left 4 Green, and organise events through this site. Because we love L4G. There are a few issues we are going to need to address primarily: The guild needs officers. And I know loads of you out there really want to be leaders of men, and this is your chance! Soon, with the help of the TopCrew, we'll set up a thread for officer applications, and you can get involved that way. Seriously guys, we want to be the best on the server we choose. We don't just want to be good, not even great, we want to take over the world. Let's rock and feck'n roll! All my love, Peon xxxx
  10. Seeing as this was my idea, i'm in.
  11. ... And yet you still play TF2 against me and Sneed? Anyway, sounds good!
  12. Please post a comment if you Hundy is a sexy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chikennugget1


      I post a comment.

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Can't say anything, I didn't see him in real life...

      Oh wait...

      FUCK, I've just posted a comment.

    4. Hundred2
  13. Achtung Baby!

    1. Sneed


      Achtung Christmas

  14. I played a lot of games, and I think they were very influential on me when I grew up. Not only do they teach that Rockets are a valuable ammunition, but that things are a challenge and that you must have patience. (You can turn me off in the pubs now, but-) They really are a great medium- they're an interactive movie, or a radio broadcast that you can see and feel. So instead of (in the case of Blade Runner, randomly) watching Deckard shoot the Replicant in the back and talking about that, you could actually shoot the Replicant yourself. They're also great because of the variation: One player will do something one way, and another another way. It adds almost a shifting folk lore to an idea that (although is very close to) surpasses TV and maybe even Film. Although this is debatable. The thing about games is, now a days, they also allow people to connect with (and kill) each other all over the world. I'll use a little personal anecdote about everyone's favourite Swede: Sneed. I never met the guy, but through the miracle of online games, we're almost brothers in relation* That's the power these things posses: So kids should play games at a young age. (And, of course, avoid things like CoD which seem to encourage swearing/racism/shitty game design/ shitty everything) *And cyber lovers ANYWAY, ON TOPIC, HERE'S A LIST: 1. Quake (I-III) 2. Half Life (I-II) 3. Dungeon Keeper II 4. DOOM (I-II) 5. Hexen 6. Muppet Racing 7. Star Wars (Jedi Knight Dark Forces II + Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast) 8. Duke Nukem 3D 9. Time Splitters (II- Future Perfect) + Many other PS2 and PC games. God bless Video Games. And bless All of you guys. You sexy beasts.
  15. I've got so many, but I guess i'll choose: 1. Quake II 2. The Grand-daddy of the first-person shooter. 3. I think the game manages to combine so much. Multi-objective levels, back tracking through them (testing your ability to remember your surroundings, as well as killing everything in them), menacingly difficult and interesting enemies that never fail to surprise even seasoned Quake-ers and a brilliant atmosphere. But I think the defining factor is the weapons: it's an arsenal so imitated (by just about any other shooter), so beautifully diverse and well designed, that it sticks in the mind of any gamer. Really, who can forget the comforting clunk as you pump another round into the Shotgun, the wicked chatter of the Machine Gun spitting pixelated death, the robotic scream of the Chain-gun winding up, the blissful bleep of the Hyper-blaster releasing laser-based justice and, of course, the religiously renowned hum of the Railgun being recharged? Many will dis-agree, many will agree: but this is a game that put so many directions, so many ideas on the map. "Let's give the player LOADS of weapons" "let's open up the battle grounds a bit" "Let's make the player need to be creative with the game" "Let's make a multi-player that kicks ass" That's why, to me anyway, it's one of the best games ever made. Pure and simple, white-knuckled and subtle, outrageous and so sensible... It's like someone read into a gamer's dreams and put them into code. -If you haven't already, buy it on steam. Currently it's only £5.99 (don't know how that relates to Euro's, rand, whatever) but you must play it. Even if you already have, buy it again and shoot some Stroggs!
  16. “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.”


  18. Sneed is gay

    1. Darkstar


      I approve of this.

    2. Hundred2


      Sneed is gay @WorldNews

    3. Sneed
  19. The Lazy Peon


    I'm not gonna follow the link, but judging by everyone else's reaction, you are a complete cock.
  20. And after that, they were always on the table..

  21. The Lazy Peon


    I'm not blaming religion here really- i'm just stating that religion brings extremism, as someone said, which has no real place in our society. @Clavus- maybe you are right. Religion DID bring a stability in a time when it was needed. and your idea of educating people more on the different directions religion can take is a lot better than the one we currently have. But i think your point about not being able to take it away makes sense to be fair aswell. They just need to be told the evil and hatred it can brood. Anyway, that stuff aside, it's probable that more attacks like this are going to occur in the close future: If one fanatic can loose it, then so can many more. Let's just hope they can be stopped quicker than the Norway killer.
  22. The Lazy Peon


    From what I understand, the man was of a Christian terrorist faction. I think that represents a rather dark future for us all. I think that the devout christians of the world are finally getting aggressive towards Islamic extremists. Mostly in America are where people such as this reside: Devout, almost Knights Templar style of faith in god. But alas there are many all over the world too it appears. From what i've been told by my Uncle and Father (both of which understand this type of thing to a greater depth than I) say that this guy belonged to a group that thought themselves close to Knights Templars. If you don't get that referance, there was Crusades back in the medieval ages in an attempt to re-take the holy-land from the Muslims (obviously ended in massacre and complete failure) Looking back to that time, aparantly the Knights Templar didn't act quite as primarily expected: They were less hard on Muslims than people of their own that sided with the muslims of the time. (The performed far far worse acts of torture upon these individuals). That's the worrying part: as (apparantly) there is some immigration thing or something going on in Norway that is allowing Muslims to integrate into society. This leads quite a few people to believe that the Knights Templar ideaology is coming into play here. It'll provide (best not to say a welcoming) change in attitudes about Terrorism. No longer can any government/ people label only one religion as 'fanatic' or 'zealous' ever since this Norway attack. This really does throw religion and the relevance or place of religion in our society. Now, i'm not saying that all religious believers are murderers, i'm simply saying that there is no need for such beliefs anymore. I don't know how much of my argument is valid, so if it's wrong, please dis-regard it (or correct me!)
  23. "Here I am a space cowboy, looking down for love and logic in the universe.. Yeah.. Yeah"

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