I must disagree. I think it is not just the playtime that counts. Of course, you can play 24/7 in the servers and yet maybe you would be a bad admin. But some players do play a lot and are nice too, and they "deserver (nice word)" it, in my opinion. Not everyone goes all-out with their admin powers and rests on the ban-button. It is also a fact that there is not much to do in Team Fortress 2 anyway. I mean, in MTA: SA, in there it is packed with cheaters, and so I think IRC is a vital part there. In Team Fortress 2 I have almost never seen a cheater, it's more people with foul mouth in the server every now and then. And I had experiences that I asked admins in my Steam list, but they all ignored me or didn't want to come. So, when it comes to TF2, I think it is more important to play a lot in the server, than to be active on the community/IRC.